The only problem with that is to make a story, they would have to throw drama in to the mix, and these guys are fun as the pure smut relief.

It wouldn't be hard to add that drama. A traumatic event could cause one of the partners comfort levels to shift either on an emotional or physical level. Its then up to the other one to help them work past that trauma. I guarantee once the main couple start working things out, these two are going to hit rough waters, and we will all cry

If the person really wants to read the manga as it is intended to be read and without needing to be cleaned, they should learn how to read Japanese and go buy a copy to support the artist. People really have no clue the amount of work that goes into bringing the mangas to a new audience. What ends up happening is they act overly entitled and instead of being graced with what they demand, they chase away people who are doing the work in their spare time.
at one point I would look forward to updates and dying to know what happens next, but lately that magic is just lost. It seems to be the same things playing out over and over again. Much of the humor that was there in the beginning seems lost, the couple doesn't really progress, and the artist herself doesn't seem to know where she wants to go with it anymore.
Same :/