LadyBelle August 9, 2019 9:03 am

Then why not support the artist and go buy the raws for yourself? You might not understand completely what is happening, but you get the releases as fast as the artist puts them out, and you get to see the pretty pictures. If you aren't reading the story, then why wait for an English version to be handed to you?

LadyBelle August 8, 2019 4:21 pm

Zandy, who started translating the series, recieved a bunch of reader feedback on mangago that we should let someone else who works faster take over the series. So we listened to readers and now post our fan translations on our website and in our discord. Mangago readers got exactly what they asked for and different groups took over uploading their versions here.

As for "official translator" there is none, not even on Instagram. This title has not been licensed in English yet, so every English version is done by fans not official people. This is why artists get upset because they are all illegal copies and the artist does not get paid for creating.

LadyBelle May 20, 2019 12:05 am

This is in response to the anonymous person below, since we aren't sure who to thank for such enlightening comments. At Zandy, we do care about our readers and realize they want releases faster. So in an effort to get chapters to mangago faster, as a group we are considering making some changes. We can upload to mangago faster without bothering with things like uncensoring. So in order to please people like anonymous, what we are discussing is releasing the uncensored chapters on mangago. The fully complete chapter will be released in high quality and with dicks, later on our group's webpage and discord. Fans that like quality will have the option to read it still, while people who go anon to whine on mangago about how entitled they are, will get exactly what they pay for.

    GIGGLEBUSH May 20, 2019 2:55 am

    what is the webpage by chance? I can’t use discord I’ve tried in the past.

    GIGGLEBUSH May 20, 2019 3:05 am

    Never mind please ignore my dumb self

    poisen.ivy May 20, 2019 11:58 am

    I wish I could help you guys. I am good with drawing di..s but not digital only traditonal may it would help?

LadyBelle April 13, 2019 2:18 am

The reason many people started working on doing fan translations of the work was to introduce Japanese Manga to an English speaking audience and prove there was a market for it. It was to share the love for the author with the world and people who would have no access. When a title is licensed, it is now available to the english market. The artist gets paid for their work, as does the people who put in time for translating and editing the work. Difference is like having a friend listening to a band you love, or standing outside the band's concert handing out cassette tapes you recorded at home. If authors can't make money from their work, they will have to stop creating manga and go to work at office jobs or selling fast food. How would you feel if someone told you that they really like the work you do, but not enough to actually pay you for your job, however you need to keep working because they are entitled to your work?

    Raven00 April 13, 2019 4:22 am

    Then gove me a website in which I can buy the English translation of this manga and there’s also the fact that you visit this website, have an account and who knows if from time to time read here too. Anyways I would be grateful for the link to buy the manga in. Have a good day. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Raven00 April 13, 2019 4:23 am


    Passerby-san April 13, 2019 7:20 am
    Then gove me a website in which I can buy the English translation of this manga and there’s also the fact that you visit this website, have an account and who knows if from time to time read here too. Anyways... Raven00

    Exactly! Where the hell am I supposed to find this translation??

    peacelovinjonesxyz April 13, 2019 3:43 pm
    Exactly! Where the hell am I supposed to find this translation?? Passerby-san

    I actually tried to find..... and it’s no where to be found. This the only site that has chapter 3 and 4

    LadyBelle April 13, 2019 4:46 pm

    Go to ebookrenta dot com and look either by the author Haruno Narita or by the title "Tie Me Down and Open Me Up" which not only includes all the chapters translated, but also extras.

    Sad April 14, 2019 3:55 am

    Ok but you do realize ANY manga you read on this site is technically stealing from the author right? SO why do you read any manga on this site in the first place if you believe we're jipping the authors of their hard earned money.. makes no sense. stealing from unlicensed OR licensed manga authors is still stealing. You can't just decide that one is LESS WRONG but still wrong nonetheless.. don't come on mangago if youre going to tell others that your wrongdoing is somehow better than others doing the same thing....

LadyBelle March 6, 2019 2:23 pm

I really want to see the rest of the main couple, and of course have the other two pair off as well.

LadyBelle February 12, 2019 2:05 am

I thought their relationship was progressing and was almost to the point of willing to forgive the Seme for some of his past behavior, but hell no. Way to controlling and scaring your partner like that is a form of intimidation and abuse.

    crob18 February 12, 2019 2:12 am

    Agreed. Early on I debated if I wanted to continue reading this despite hating the seme's personality. I hoped it would get better, but it hasn't and he is still irking my last nerve. Sigh.

    BrownFeather February 12, 2019 2:22 am
    Agreed. Early on I debated if I wanted to continue reading this despite hating the seme's personality. I hoped it would get better, but it hasn't and he is still irking my last nerve. Sigh. crob18

    I’m so happy I’m not the only one! Everyone was commenting on how cute this story is and all, and there certainly are adorable moments, but Sunbae’s behavior is the only thing that’s stopping me from really liking this. I was hoping it’d get better, hence why I’m still reading this, but that hope is getting quite small now...

    imnotcheap February 12, 2019 2:59 am

    I’ve never gotten over it! The seme is such a manipulative butt face! When ever he wants something he’ll just guilt Hosik into going along with it. It makes me miss the friend who always called the seme out on his bullshit. Ugh, never trust a bitch who’s shoulders are x5 the width of his hips. (like how does his body even function !!?? stupid thot powers )

LadyBelle February 2, 2019 7:08 pm

What a cliffhanger to leave off on, dammit.

LadyBelle January 19, 2019 4:55 am

I have read both side couples, but this is the first time I've read about the main couple. Cute.

LadyBelle January 13, 2019 7:57 pm

Buying random and unknown drugs off the street from someone that approaches you out of blue is prob not best way to survive the year :p sheesh, with their group of friends, there is probably a few dealers they could trust already there.

    Evan January 13, 2019 10:06 pm

    ikr... part of me was screaming at him for buying random drugs off a frigging stranger. Like what happens if it's an addictive drug?

    But thank god it's a yaoi manga so nothing bad happened.

LadyBelle January 13, 2019 7:17 pm

ok, even after reading thousands of yaoi, I have to admit, I think this is the first full on zombie rape I've read. I mean I guess BL of the Dead had attempted on someone infected, but this is first full on zombie necrophilia.

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