Which means you can read it for free, in much higher quality at the original site. Plus when you read it at the licensed site, the writer and publisher earn money for their hard work. I can tell you the second couple in this story get even more over the top comedic and it is worth visiting on the site. Support the author, artist, and translation teams that bring these to an English audience, not the low quality stolen postings
Support the artist and get more things officially translated. Sublime is releasing an official licensed English version of this Manga. https://twitter.com/SuBLimeManga/status/1212886362631749634
OMG! I was just wondering if it would get licensed someday, thanks for sharing! ヾ(☆▽☆)
how can they translate this but there still isn't an official honto yajuu translation? so frustrating!!
So excited! I wish we didn't have to wait until August.