Hako created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

Helios divorces her. She's sent to a nunnery/church to spend the rest of her life in while Helios remarried and had a child fairly quickly with his new wife.

Hako created a topic of Habibi's Rabbits

I'm so done with this story I just want it to end. I can't stop reading because I already put myself through this but oh my gosh do I hate this story to the core now.

Hako answered question about looking for yaoi manga
Umm idrk bc I'm not American. The whole shebang your previous election caused was pretty entertaining though. Even though I barely looked it up stuff still managed to reach my ears.
Hako answered question about question
People who treat thing site as if it's a social media platform (twt) are kinda annoying especially if they're taking this whole shebang seriously. Also people judge others way too quickly and never look in other perspectives besides their own. It's like they never heard the phrase "If you have nothing good to say then just shut up". If you're think......

Also he doesn’t deserve Lara one bit she deserves someone who will care for and protect her. She’s already dealing with enough bs in her family.

Hako asked question about having a lover

It's a bit long but please bear with me, I just have to get this out of my chest because I'm starting to actually get worried. So me and a friend of mine I met in the cos com from another city decided on April 1 to set each other as our 'in a relationship' on Facebook (in my cos acc). Everyone started believing it and we found it funny. I was gon......

Hako answered question about being single
Friends to Lovers for me just because most of the time it's more healthy than the rest.
Hako created a topic of Please no cure for me
Hako created a topic of Habibi's Rabbits

Am I the only one who feels as if the resolution was rushed because the author realized they made mistake in making Haru so annoyingly stubborn and now they're back tracking

Hako created a topic of Paper Flower

That's great but what happened to the general? Unlike other readers I don't really want him to end up with the MC just because I think he deserves better. He'll just be treated as the backup. We all know Yoo Young will never ever get rid of his love for the Emperor. That being said, the general can and deserves to be happy alone/with someone else. Ending up with the uke isn't the only way for someone to receive their happy ending. I want to see where he ends up because I know he poured his heart into every action he committed and was very genuine towards the MC.

Hako created a topic of Sura's Lover

When I first read this it was still kinda cute in its own way.

What the fuck happened while I waited for this to be completed????

Hako answered question about talking on walkie talkie
Send us your address and we'll check for you.
Hako answered question about question
Not me bc I'm not stupid but my cousin. His dad (now in jail) had developed a dr*g addiction and mixed in the drugs with the stuff he was eating. Idk exactly what happened because I'm not close to that side of the family and they also avoided talking about it but from what I heard, he left it on the kitchen counter and my cousin thought it was powd......

Not saying that I want MC to have a relationship, but I do want him to at least be acknowledged properly by the people around him

Hako answered question about stay at home for several days
And the "womp womp"s bro..
Hako answered question about question
I only acknowledge the og "they're everywhere" title holder namely bureau of investigaytion
Hako asked question about read manga

What story/plot would you like to read about that is rare or you haven't seen being produced anywhere yet? Personally, mine is a story where the two people chasing/pining after someone gradually fall for each other instead and end up together (I've only seen one and it wasn't even that well made) or a crazy x crazier BL or GL that's a bit light h......

Hako answered question about question
Idk why the responses are so passive aggressive but ngl I don't get it either. I've seen people say it's 'ok' because they're a minority that's been oppressed for generations, but is it really 'ok' just because of that? I understand the point but this stand is just so wrong in so many ways. It's as if they're saying "This person suffered so everyon......