Fangirl1967 September 14, 2024 4:30 pm

I kind of really like this one! It fits its name well; when you’re reading, it does feel a lot like a prologue versus the main story.

Fangirl1967 September 14, 2024 4:03 pm

I definitely don’t have social anxiety, but I literally do similar things when I’m at home. The U legs, the screeching, the abnormal amount of smut, the teasing, the banshee screeching and eating ice cream while dancing stupidly at like 2 AM in the dark until someone flicks on the lights and I realize I got caught dancing in my underwear eating tortillas and strawberry ice cream….anyway I fucking adore this one, might be my favorite one so far? Definitely top 5, for the realism alone

Fangirl1967 September 14, 2024 4:10 am

I said it before, and I’ll say it again…I absolutely ADORE vengeful women. I get literal hearts in my eyes when I see them smile, plot, and be truly manipulative demons sometimes. The slow and steady burn of fury always sets my soul alight with pleasure…ahhhhh I can’t wait to see how Mia will destroy that pathetic boy prince!

Fangirl1967 September 14, 2024 1:00 am


Fangirl1967 September 7, 2024 4:04 am

Love the fact that she checked before using it so she can apply the appropriate force. Most people don’t even check, but it’s better that you have some experience or at least understanding prior so you don’t accidentally hurt your partner and can properly satisfy their needs.

Fangirl1967 August 31, 2024 5:58 am

Love the uke in this one. Like seme is pretty stereotypical obsessive could end up being toxic kind of partner, but uke matches him so well their relationship ends up a huge green flag.

He’s so flippin HONEST about what he wants! I love it! None of that ‘stop’ or much it out’ or other bs we see, this man is open about liking it and about how he feels about his partner (emotionally). He listens to his partner, even if he’s like ‘nah, he can’t be into me’. But unlike other mangas it isn’t even coming out of a place of straight airheadedness or warning, but also the complete lack of caring of other people in that way because he loves his partner so much. Like, he literally squashes any doubt the seme may have had about uke cheating on him or something similar because seme KNOWS uke would never since he’s soooo in love and obsessed with him instead.

I’m also positive that when unnecessarily well-drawn extra comes in to him explicitly, uke will bluntly tell him to fuck off bc he isn’t interested and probably won’t be for the foreseeable future. His boyfriend will be too busy fucking his brains out for him to give an iota of care to another person.

Seme isn’t bad, but the uke in this one is top tier.

Fangirl1967 August 31, 2024 5:32 am

People complaining about the sister being transmigrated too but I think she’s pretty funny tbh. It’s also fun to watch Maythan get all flustered and not know what to say. Also, GET YURIEL, FUCKING SENDDDDD!!!!! I do hope the misunderstanding gets cleared up, but CP is becoming the poster boy for obsessive stalkers asking their object of obsession why they’re ‘playing with their hearts’ and other gaslighting BS when Maytham has done NOTHING of the sort. Hope he realizes that bc he deadass just forced a kiss on Maythan and then proceeded to put the blame on him for ‘toying’ with him when he ran away. Like the fuck bro??? I’d run away too if someone I just rejected tried to keep kissing me thinking I’ll kiss them back. The first one is one thing, like expressing your feelings and stuff. But the rest??? NOPE NOPE NOPEITY NOPE!!!! Regardless, I’m pretty excited for next season!!!

The only major thing that still bothers me is that we still don’t know who left those marks on his body from the freshman welcome party. We know that some of them, like the ones on his arm, are from the CP, but we actually still don’t know about the rest. He THINKS it was the duke, but then why not just SHOW that or state it straight out? I’m actually hella worried it was someone else after the duke left him there. And that dude who put the letter there…

    Tan August 31, 2024 6:17 am

    My friends says the one who gave the marks is the duke ಥ‿ಥ
    They read it in the raw

Fangirl1967 August 30, 2024 2:12 am

Ya know, lots of people were talking about wanting slightly standoffish, early chapter Hyo-un…I don’t think he ever left, but he’s definitely back in this chapter. Less cold but all need. Taehyuk has no idea what he’s in for

Fangirl1967 August 27, 2024 1:37 am

I knew she was a natural

Fangirl1967 August 26, 2024 2:54 am

I mean, to be fair, it IS stated that Leo is a dumbass. And he's definitely a narcissist. But you can tell he loved J.J. in his own weird way, but his only solution to keep him around was to offer up 'fuckbuddies' since he thinks J.J. hates him. Is it the best solution? DEFINITELY NOT. But it is his attempt to reach out to J.J. in the "safest" way he can imagine as the dumbass he is. No one ever said he was the sharpest knife (in fact, it seems like the opposite), but he was loyal and he was pretty open about his love to J.J. even if he didn't show it super well. Not to say he's in the right or anything, but from a dumbass's POV, this is the best non-confrontational solution.

As for J.J., he's trying to get Leo to recognize his faults, but he's going about it in a completely wrong way. Clearly their relationship had some issues, especially on Leo's drunk habits, but J.J. didn't say a single thing and then just breaks up with him as 'punishment'. But J.J. did not understand the level of Leo's dumbassery. Some people need to be told straight out what they've done because they don't get that it's wrong or are terrible at self-reflection. Leo, the beautiful idiot, clearly has a healthy dose of both moral ineptitude and narcissistic arrogance leading to an incompetence in basic understanding of the self so absolute he can't even realize he's in love.

J.J. on the other hand, has issues stemming from pent up frustration from actions resulting of said narcissistic arrogance, his own arrogance resulting from feeling special to Leo and thinking he understands him best, and a level 10000 anxiety that culminates in a complete breakdown in communication between not only his lover but humans in general.

One is good at self-reflection but shit at communicating, and the other is shit at self reflection but good at communication. And they BOTH are shit at understanding the other, which is why Leo comes up with stupid solutions like fuckbuddies thinking it's best case scenario, while J.J. gets angry and jealous thinking Leo never gave shit in the first place.

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