Star x Fanboy
Honestly, the only thing I have to say, is that the expressions could really use some work. That aside, the plot is adorable as hell~
This story had great potential at the beginning, but as it progressed personalities, relationships and the plot became rather vague and detached feeling. Everyone's backstories could have used a bit more definition, especially for some of the characters introduced later: it was clear they had some relation to the main characters, but it was just confusing and lacked meaning as a result. The pacing and resolution could have been better. About 15% of this story was the introduction to the relationship that began between Minoh and Junoh, 7% was focused on their relationship after it had really started , 75% was watching Junoh going through a (partially self-created) angsty mess -throughout which we practically forget that Cha Minoh even exists as a character-, and then 3% was sudden resolution of conflict with a very dissatisfying sense of reconciliation that seemed was also under-supported.
I stole this from ArdenWinter, because this perfectly expressed my thoughts. Honestly the latter half of this manga was a f*ckstorm.
Meeting him