Holachica created a topic of Flashlight

more like fleshlight HAHAHAHAHAH don't come for me please i'm sorry my intrusive thoughts (/TДT)/

Holachica created a topic of Mad Dog

I’m happy in a writing sense that Sehyuk didn’t change. He’s been protrayed as unrepentantly toxic and manipulative and a bad guy, and those types of people would never self-reflect or change, not even with a gun to their head

So i’m interested as to how Haribo will play this out. How things will get better for Hamin because I strongly want to believe they will ╥﹏╥

Holachica created a topic of Driver's High

like its clear Leo liked JJ a lot in the past but not… seriously enough.

because you can like someone a lot, but still be selfish and not consider their thoughts and feelings.

Cos JJ said he couldn’t drink cos he had to drive but Leo shoved drinks in his face anyways, didn’t consider JJ’s own comfort as he went and introduced JJ the team mechanic to everyone (i mean it’s cute that he wants to show off JJ but also JJ seemed to have an awful time) and when he went to kiss JJ, it wasn’t out of anything serious but a momentary impulse. Cos he’s clearly surprised by his own actions when he thought “so guys can do it for me too?”

Like ughhhhh Leo is kinda endearing and CLEARLY likes JJ but also he’s not mature enough to be an emotionally committed and considerate partner. But like, youthful relationships can be like that, but maybe Leo never grew out of it??


Holachica created a topic of Driver's High

why JJ broke up w Leo

bro's not just a spoiled brat (which can be cute). like, why shouldn't JJ break up with someone who seems nothing but self-centered and selfish? It doesn't matter what Leo secretly thinks subconsciously deep down (which is that he definitely cares), but what he does on the daily and the behaviors he displays.

like ch.1 it already seems like (from JJ's POV)
- Leo is using him as a dildo (fucking him right after the race, and upon having to leave JJ, all he says is "thanks for a good time, big boy!" like man's a hookup--not even slowing down for a cuddle or apology when clearly that's what JJ needed)
- Leo doesn't seem all that committed ("aw they're cute, I wanted to drink with them though" for the girls in the background, when JJ was picking him up from the party)
- Leo insults JJ's life and personality ("How is it like living such a boring life? And you always have that miserable look on your face"--like i'm sorry? what? is that something you'd say to your partner? drunk is not an excuse, esp when he hauled ur drunk ass home)
- Leo's follow up comment ("Or did you just have a bad day? Want me to suck your dick and make you feel better?"--likeeeee sex can solve everything. bro doesn't even acknowledge or realize how sht he's treated JJ all day? Like, you're the reason, man?)

AND upon waking up, he doesn't even begin to ponder what he could've done wrong, or self-reflect in wake of the breakup. Like he couldn't have POSSIBLY done anything wrong. If first thing after a breakup, is the urge to sleep around and rebound--"good riddance he's gone!" vs. "oh no, he's gone"... like did you ever have any respect for your partner at all?

and everyone else in Leo's life thinks Leo was the problem... which if that were me, i'd certainly have a lot to think about. And it's not like the relationship was abusive, and JJ doesn't seem manipulative so those impressions must've been naturally formed from Leo's own carelessness. Cos mans was a whole pillow princess, and JJ a service top.

And... Leo's lack of respect for JJ man. It hurts. Towards the blonde guy showing up, "They can't be friends. I'm JJ's only friend... and only because I'm nice enough to hang out with him" like, ouch. So he views JJ as a loser who only has him. Regardless of whether he was speaking out of break-up spite.

And when he trips 'n hurts his ankle, JJ's concern is only viewed as "you never miss an opportunity to nag at me" instead of, maybe, your (ex)partner cares about you???

AND!! AND!!! he immediately accuses JJ in his mind of "moving on so fast" when there's NO evidence--because he's projecting, having actively been on the prowl for hookups.

anyways if ur still confused why JJ would leave--maybe you're the problem ( ̄∇ ̄")

and there's probably even more to it all, that we'll find out in coming chapters. And I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE LEO CHASE AFTER JJ cos we have wayyyy too many scum tops and not enough scum bottoms, AND!!!!!! Leo's not really a hoe, he's just really stupid.

Holachica created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

skylar still got lingering feelings

even if he isn't acting on them

big oof for confirming cirrus' anxiety

Holachica created a topic of Lee Seop's Romance


why didn't we get to see him cry at the pivotal moment, WHYS HE HOLDING BACK HIS TEARS. be the girlfailure you were MEANT TO BE!!!!!

Holachica created a topic of Waterside Night





Holachica created a topic of Crush and Burn

i feel for these vampys cos the two agia is fighting seem like decent beings

but its also cool to see him pow-pow 'n fight with ease

so badass

OHHHHHHHHHHHH the storm we knew was coming but never truly expected OHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Holachica created a topic of Dark Fall

"aight let's see..."

*barely scrolls past 2nd panel. Leon is still sittin on dick.*

"aight that's enough for today"

*exits so fast the next panel hasn't even finished loading*

Holachica created a topic of Limited Run

they moved real fast. modern day jae-hyeok could learn a thing or two...

Holachica created a topic of Double Trap

every bl couple ends up here eventually

fuking in a bathroom stall, keep fuking "quietly" as people walk in --> then almost get exposed but luckily the people walked out already

Holachica created a topic of Eleceed

weasel smoke man: "My most powerful attack!"

Pluton: *light work, no reaction*

weasel smoke man: "I was going easy on you. My real most powerful attack!!" "DIEE!!"

Pluton: *bounces his pec* *no damage*

weasel smoke man: "This time it's really my powerful-est MOST POWERFUL ATTACK!!!" "DIEEE!!!!!"

PLuton: *super saiyans* *superman flies* *plonks weasel man out of existence*

Holachica created a topic of Dark Fall

*sees new chapter and opens it, gets eyeful of coitus*
"sigh... surely it'll finish?...it's been 3 chapters already..."
*fast scrolls to bottom*
"nope, they still gettin it on"
*closes chapter*

before anyone comes for me, i continue to check every few updates cos i swear in season 1 notes they mentioned season 2 would be more plot

i got bamboozled

Holachica created a topic of Double Trap

what in the pornhub plot Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

Holachica created a topic of Waterside Night

4:20pm - decides to check Mangago, sees Waterside Night in top right
4:21pm - "OMG NEW CHAPTER" *screech*
4:22pm - *opens chapter* .... "FUCK" (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Holachica created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

i mean

at least he knows he's a piece of shit. his motto: "gaslight girlboss gatekeep" to the max.

don't like how he's making out blonde cutie to be a slut though. fuk u bro. u know he ain't like that why u gotta say sht like that >:(

cos chapter 21 was so good then nah author HAD to follow up with rape

like bro how TF IS HE SUPPOSED TO FIGHT BACK?? bro's got both physical and pheromone disadvantage ffs

the sucky part is that, because he's so brazenly and unapologetically a piece of sht.... he probably won't change for the better. he ain't being shitty on accident, it's fully intended and purposeful T^T

Holachica created a topic of Mad Dog

I did not wait a long-ass time just for this--frowned through all five side chapters. Yikes. Rape and the characters brushing it off was not on my hitlist. Although, I'd term it a little more as highly highly dubious consent in this case.

But... it's not unexpected. Sehyuk's actions are lore-accurate, so to say. Bro's fucked up there in his head, has a complete lack of morals, selfish and was rather toxic in the main story too. Hamin's just kinda soft and push-overy, and simpy, AND very stubborn at times he shouldn't be. It's a recipe for disaster. So the result is not unexpected, that the five side chapters unfolded the way it did.

I'm not gonna bring in Sehyuk's past and whatever. Don't even think it's relevant. I'm just saying, his actions make sense given previous info. I'm not happy about any of it though. Kind of wish I hadn't read it, would rather have just ended with the main story.

I just hope the author has bigger plans. :/ At least in At the End of the Road, the ML cared about the MC. In this case... idk so much man. Bro's so morally black idk if it's gonna get better...

Holachica created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

The beginning was good but now it's not even remotely entertaining man

Maybe the author thinks torturing Sanho through sex is funny? Also what's with hi shouting al lthe time? Those speech bubbles... I can almost hear his screeching voice in my head.

And Tak... that man's just a block of wood. That's it. Like he was interesting initially, but now he's basically just a rapist who doesn't care about the person he's supposedly pined for.

Author's doing nobody any favors. Feels like they ran out of plot.