Fujoishi101 July 9, 2019 3:22 am

Why in the hell would the author even introduce this, and use it as a plot device if it was going to be so logic-ridden and brushed aside so easily. There's no closure either. They don't talk about how Yuri almost left Jaerim at the scene and how the blue-haired guy basically sexually assaulted Jaerim, and would have gone further if the girl told him to. I'm 100% sure that he would've done so if the girl told him to.

And it's only after that that the blue haired guy finally breaks up with her. It took her telling him to go sexually assault and nearly ruin the life of a guy, and him actually going through with it, i.e. assaulting the guy, with no remorse at the time of, to finally break it off with her. Because THAT is what it takes. Why not just stick with that shitty bitch till the end? Since you've already gone ahead and assaulted a guy anyways? What are you trying to salvage? What little is left of your conscience? Fuck off. If you're willing to assault a guy, it's not as though you had any in the first place. Go ahead and pretend to, though.

Anyways, as what was said, there is a complete absence of closure. Just a "yeah we don't talk about how Yuri basically almost left me to be assaulted because he still thought I was not loyal to him and he only came back bc someone else told him to haha lol we're going to pretend it didn't happen because that's healthy (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ just a bit of your puppy dog face and all is okieee" and "oh yah you sexually assaulted me and basically nearly ruined my life? no biggie ლ(´ڡ`ლ)". That, and then some "deep" monologue at the end because somehow that makes it all peachy.

I mean, Yuri went back for him in the end, but that was only, and solely due to the fact that other guy told him how utterly moronic his actions were. Because even after the whole "oh Jaerim would never cheat on me, I believe in him" inner monologue/flashback he had, all it took was seeing Jaerim in a compromising situation for Yuri to throw all that supposed "trust" and self-victimize with a "how could you do this to me?" or some other similar shit he said. Because no, only his opinion matters. Not the fact that Jaerim was obviously crying, that he was scared and fearful and did not want to be in the situation, his clothes strewn and messy, the pleading look on his face, all depicted by the author btw. Because no, none of that fucking mattered. Only Yuri's own feelings mattered.

Man... what the fuck? Are y'all romanticizing this shit or something?

Your argument is probably "At least he went back, right?". But think about this. What if that other guy wasn't there to convince Yuri to go back? Would Yuri really have done that on his own? I think the fuck not.

This whole shtick would've ended fine with the confession + fluff by the seaside in the preceding chapter, where they talked out their problems, but no. The author had to add on a hole-ridden chapter completely devoid of basic logic for no good reason at all. All to "develop the relationship", which in reality would definitely not have worked out so rosy rosy happily ever after! I'd fucking dump the ass of the guy I'm dating if he pulled the shit Yuri did.

    zamiac August 6, 2019 4:00 am

    Keep on mine that not to long before that this guy boldly proclaimed that he was on a date with Jaerin and he never denied it. It was also dark and there was a great amount of distance between them. Also people can cry from pleasure. That, unlike most yaoi, was a somewhat understandable conclusion yuri draw especially with the letter that was written. If you really want to be mad at something be mad at Jaerin for not helping yuri solve any of his problems in a reasonable and logical manner. Be mad at everyone for blaming yuri for their problems. Like foreal! How was he suppose to know they were getting bullied and right did any of them have to blame him for. Nobody seems to realize this though!

    Fujoishi101 August 16, 2019 7:21 am
    Keep on mine that not to long before that this guy boldly proclaimed that he was on a date with Jaerin and he never denied it. It was also dark and there was a great amount of distance between them. Also people... zamiac

    but... literally... i was just thinking, LITERALLY, the night before yuri and the ugly dude had a heart-to-heart talk. like a for real "we're in this for the long run i love you you love me" talk. and then this is all it took for Yuri to be like "screw that! imma just make some quick conclusions about this compromising situation and not trust him!"

    Fujoishi101 August 16, 2019 7:22 am
    Keep on mine that not to long before that this guy boldly proclaimed that he was on a date with Jaerin and he never denied it. It was also dark and there was a great amount of distance between them. Also people... zamiac

    not saying ugly dude (jaerim?) isn't at fault. dude's a dumb fuck (i mean...) who really can't read a situation. he's also real selfish. but what i'm talking about only pertains to the scenario mentioned, not all the other messy stuff.

Fujoishi101 July 9, 2019 2:08 am

Not just about the Master and Pet dynamic thing... but everything. It's like the story is out of order or something. The thought processes are rampant with logic jumping, the plot is all over the place, and the among other things, I'm just spending a lot of time with my head in my hands not knowing, and trying to logic out what the fuck is going on. Why are May's ideas/thoughts about the situation changing like every second? One second he thinks this, next second he thinks that, and there's no consistent feeling. Same with the sketchy Master dude. It's almost as if the author was just drawing and writing and going with whatever came to her mind at that point in time, without thinking as to whether any of it even added up correctly.

Just to make it clear, it's the story over all that I'm referring to. I'm pretty sure the context at this point is when May was young he was with this Master guy, but he lost all his memories due to something, cue current situation. That part is clear enough. But that is the only part of this story that I understand thus far.

Fujoishi101 July 9, 2019 1:18 am

Based on the stuff I've read so far (ch. 10), I gotta say she does come off as a bit sketch. But if we were to go off only the info we know, and not any more deeper conspiracies, we should also consider the red haired guy's attitude. What if she were to completely reject him? He'd be really angry. And if he's angry, he loses what little rationality he has. And then, he may attack Dokyun, or do something rash. She's letting him stick around to placate him. If she hadn't "agreed to the date", he would've gotten angry, and probably beat/hit Dokyun, like the piece of shit he is. So, so far, we can give her the benefit of the doubt, I think.

Fujoishi101 May 22, 2019 5:49 am

I don't care that she's fucking a bunch of people. Who cares if they like her? She isn't obligated to return their feelings (though I'm cheering for Chulsoo). It's just sex. You can have sex with different people. Even if it's BDSM, you aren't obligated to remain "faithful" to one sub if you aren't in a romantic relationship.

Fujoishi101 May 19, 2019 4:38 am

idk what to make of this.

    JJ12 June 14, 2019 4:20 am

    I thought it was interesting at first then it got too rapey and hateful

Fujoishi101 May 19, 2019 3:45 am

the art certainly is interesting...

    Lilly!! January 21, 2020 5:09 am

    Yea I wasn’t sure if I’d receive hate for saying the art looks pretty middle school but hey! Everyone has to start from somewhere, for all we know this artist could end up making much better art in the future :)

Fujoishi101 May 16, 2019 5:16 am

My bet's on the mc actually being Faust. Devils lie, after all.

    Sachiko May 16, 2019 10:25 pm

    Was that sarcasm because I'm pretty sure we already knew that?

    Sachiko May 16, 2019 10:35 pm
    Was that sarcasm because I'm pretty sure we already knew that? Sachiko

    I mean I think other commenters have already speculated on that and made that clear, too! So I'm sorry if you sincerely didn't know that but that's why I'm confused why you didn't! Sorry!

    Fujoishi101 May 17, 2019 12:01 am
    Was that sarcasm because I'm pretty sure we already knew that? Sachiko

    lol i made this reading only halfway through

Fujoishi101 May 16, 2019 2:26 am

I was hoping that this (Soha) Goblin King would pull a Min Woo-jin (from "What Lies At The End") and recognize his precious lover boy even though he's in a new body. You know, cos in What Lies At The End even though Taemin had revived in a new body after being hit by a car, Woojin was still able to recognize him :(

    Fujoishi101 May 16, 2019 2:58 am

    this being a comment made in regards to ch. 9

Fujoishi101 May 9, 2019 3:56 am

If it was me I totally would've eliminated the short haired one by now. I mean, could you fathom that the boy you loved was a violent, accusatory person? I mean this person, for a while now, has been shouting his damn head off and obsessively trying to kick another "fake" out. Isn't it suspicious? Sure, Hyunjin is described to be "wild and mysterious", but I'm sure this "mysterious" component doesn't imply consistently losing your temper and keep accusing others. The whole latest chapter was just him shouting and having an angry face and "accusing" the real Hyunjin. Even I can see that all that was out of character, even his little pep talk with the mc about jealousy... I mean seriously. Even if I don't have a grasp on Hyunjin's character the shit he's been doing (the short haired fake) seems insanely out of character.

Fujoishi101 May 5, 2019 3:51 am

1. This is not worse than killing stalking lol. Killing stalking was on a whole other dark psychological level man.

2. Why is the mc so fucking stupid. I mean if it were me, I'd of course, show some resistance, but overall follow along with what my kidnapper wants so that you know, he doesn't lose rationality in a fit of rage. And is he a fucking idiot or something? Making a bunch of noise and swearing all over the place isn't gonna get him to release you...

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