Fujoishi101 August 5, 2019 3:24 am

Shit's gonna go downnn. Also, I hope Clark gets together with the doctor, since he obviously cares for the man very much.

Fujoishi101 August 5, 2019 12:59 am

Part of me wonders why Zhang Weixu started cheating in the first place. I mean, if it started 3 years ago, then wasn't that right at the time of the "SARS crisis" or whatever, where he'd declared his love to Zhishu and say he wouldn't know what to do without him. So how did he start cheating?

    oni-chan August 5, 2019 3:33 am

    I believe it started all in the sake of the company to make it bigger but then it just became a habit for him

    Famadan August 5, 2019 5:04 pm

    The sars is when in zhishu and wengxu thir year. Meanwhile wengxu and chenzui 3 years ago at this time so, wengxu and zhishu nownis 14 years and wengxu and chenzui 3 years. Because of that this manhua called 10 years where ilove u themost cause the 3 years wengxu start cheating with chenzui and maybe 1 year he is fooling around with random people

    Fujoishi101 August 16, 2019 7:23 am
    I believe it started all in the sake of the company to make it bigger but then it just became a habit for him oni-chan

    but that teenage boy had nothing to contribute. i get other stuff, but to continue on for so long with an affair, not just a one time thing.

Fujoishi101 August 2, 2019 3:47 am

Is it that guy from Never Understand? The guy who sexually assaulted the mc (the ugly guy) under a girl's orders? In the last few chapters of the Never Understand? Oh fuck no, he doesn't deserve happiness.

    bureau of investigaytion August 2, 2019 3:55 am

    yep its the same guy who assaulted jaerim and has been that bitch's loyal dog

    ordinary August 2, 2019 5:46 am

    He can be happy. . but first he need to suffer first(⌒▽⌒)

    Fujoishi101 August 16, 2019 7:31 am
    He can be happy. . but first he need to suffer first(⌒▽⌒) ordinary

    nah, no happiness for this guy. i mean, idc what the reasons are because he still did what he did. but i don't mind if you feel otherwise. i just really fking hate that guy.

    Fujoishi101 August 16, 2019 7:31 am
    yep its the same guy who assaulted jaerim and has been that bitch's loyal dog bureau of investigaytion

    damn. not even gonna read this, even if i want to. hate him so much istg, especially cos he wasn't punished at the end of never understand.

    bureau of investigaytion August 16, 2019 8:35 am
    damn. not even gonna read this, even if i want to. hate him so much istg, especially cos he wasn't punished at the end of never understand. Fujoishi101

    u should give it a shot. he apologized to jaerim and jaerims answer to him is quite amazing, i dont think itll disappoint u. and tbh i like ayeon ngl but ofc what he did is smth unforgivable

    Eiz August 16, 2019 11:49 am

    Hate is a strong word. Unforgiving is nearly twin to hate. It is a seed that brings fruit to bitterness and pain. It's understandable to hate the deed. But to be unforgiving without understanding the situation hinders a human heart and soul to mature.

    I really like Jaerim (Never Understand) - for his strength in character, his steadfastness and his integrity. He has the capacity to love, and was loved back. People considered him ugly - but those who are attracted to him know he has a beautiful heart and soul. Ayeon saw this, but did not understand it because of Soyeon 's bad influence. Only after he cut ties with her was he able to live and think for himself - and realized he owed Jaerim an apology. Whether he would be forgiven or not, He owed it to Jaerim. He was able to find love, and understood it was precious, and it allowed him to change for the better.

    Egads... I love seeing Jaerim again (saying Aeyon's atonement is to be happy and take good care of his lover is so Jaerim!). And Yuri is still so overprotective of him!

    Fujoishi101 August 16, 2019 6:15 pm
    Hate is a strong word. Unforgiving is nearly twin to hate. It is a seed that brings fruit to bitterness and pain. It's understandable to hate the deed. But to be unforgiving without understanding the situation ... Eiz

    uh yeah, i mean i get it (?) but assault is assault?

    Fujoishi101 August 16, 2019 6:16 pm
    u should give it a shot. he apologized to jaerim and jaerims answer to him is quite amazing, i dont think itll disappoint u. and tbh i like ayeon ngl but ofc what he did is smth unforgivable bureau of investigaytion

    yeah, how about no. Apologies are apologies but what he still did when he clearly had a chance not to do so? of his own will? that's a nah nah for me.

    bureau of investigaytion August 16, 2019 6:51 pm
    yeah, how about no. Apologies are apologies but what he still did when he clearly had a chance not to do so? of his own will? that's a nah nah for me. Fujoishi101

    well at least he apologized although things like that cant be forgiven and takes a long time to heal thats why i commend jaerim for saying that he won't be able to forgive ayeon. i just like that the author didnt brush it off as nothing

    bureau of investigaytion August 16, 2019 6:53 pm
    well at least he apologized although things like that cant be forgiven and takes a long time to heal thats why i commend jaerim for saying that he won't be able to forgive ayeon. i just like that the author did... bureau of investigaytion

    he apologized but its obv up to jaerim whether he'll forgive him or not. doesnt mean u apologized everything's gonna be ok. i like that they manage to talk abt it even for a short period of time

    Eiz August 17, 2019 1:11 am
    uh yeah, i mean i get it (?) but assault is assault? Fujoishi101

    Hate the deed. Punishment should be given due to the deed, hate should not factor in that. Revenge is different from due punishment. Revenge breeds a vicious cycle. Punishment is weighed by the the wrong-doer's sincere remorse and atonement.

    Jaerim understood this, that's why he had mention previously in NU that he didn't think he'd be able to forgive - that was the depth of his hurt. But he did forgive Aeyon, but in atonement, he had to treat another person with care for the rest of their life.

    Eiz August 17, 2019 1:19 am
    he apologized but its obv up to jaerim whether he'll forgive him or not. doesnt mean u apologized everything's gonna be ok. i like that they manage to talk abt it even for a short period of time bureau of investigaytion

    I agree. It was up to Jaerim if he'd forgive or not, since he was the victim.

    It was refreshing to see in this manhwa that a victim expressed their pain ( unsure abt being able to forgive). Yet Jaerim, being who he is, was able to forgive Aeyon after he showed remorse. Time did pass - perhaps during this time with Yuri by his side, Jaerim healed from the trauma and was able to get the whole picture ( soyeon's involvement, etc).

    Peach August 17, 2019 5:54 am
    nah, no happiness for this guy. i mean, idc what the reasons are because he still did what he did. but i don't mind if you feel otherwise. i just really fking hate that guy. Fujoishi101

    You're right, I remember the pain he put Jearim, Yuki and me in when he harassed him. But this story is just too beautiful.

    Peach August 17, 2019 5:54 am
    You're right, I remember the pain he put Jearim, Yuki and me in when he harassed him. But this story is just too beautiful. Peach


Fujoishi101 August 2, 2019 1:13 am

your screenshots are fine :)

Fujoishi101 August 2, 2019 12:45 am

I LOVE HONEST BOYS!!!!!!!!!! I didn't think it'd happen so easy but the fact that it did...!!!!!

Fujoishi101 July 29, 2019 6:01 am

the iffy translation lead to me not understanding anything in the story (the editing i didn't mind, tbh), but you should know, i found the memes hilarious. those were good.

Fujoishi101 July 29, 2019 5:43 am

1. boy... why did you choose to be with the girl... why of all things, was that your "heart's desire"?

2. DAMN dragon boy, you sly... man, you sly. Waiting until he lost everyTHING and then swooping in. You go girl.

Fujoishi101 July 27, 2019 12:24 am

Azusa, you were raped multiple times over. Of course you changed.

Fujoishi101 July 21, 2019 11:58 pm

If y'all scroll down a bit you'll see a spoiler thread by me.

Fujoishi101 August 16, 2019 7:33 am

(Also, SPOILER THREAD in the replies below. I did some digging after my rant. So if you want spoilers just skip my rant and go to the replies.)

About Allen's change in character... I was already expecting it at some point, for them to do something like that to the story, because we all know that one way or another, the author's gonna find someway of putting the mc and the prince together.

What better way than making the father unreasonable so that he puts a stupid misunderstanding in their way, while also ruining Allen's perfectly likeable character?
Next step, she's gonna make the readers feel all sympathetic and better for the prince and give him a redemption arc of some sort. It's going to happen. Just wait for it.

Sooner or later, she's going to end up back in the prince's arms--there's no way around it, and that fucking sucks because that's just how novels like these go.

I don't want to face it either, but I'm already getting those vibes.

    nosebleed July 21, 2019 11:11 pm

    honestly, preach.

    Fujoishi101 July 21, 2019 11:21 pm

    also, if anyone's interested in having their happy dreams shattered, head to this spoiler thread: https://forum.novelupdates.com/threads/the-abandoned-empress.43439/page-3

    after my rant I did a little digging on my own, and boy I was right ^^ goodbye god-awful novel!

    Fujoishi101 July 21, 2019 11:31 pm

    Spoiler on the past life (I edited the grammar, creds to myling): The prince in the past (and present) was jealous of her and obsessed with her. After she died he always compared her to the heroine. He ended up destroying the heroine because she wasn't the MC so I personally think he always liked her even as kids because they were both sickly but he was nothing special his mom was a maid (i think) so he always had an inferiority complex. It kept getting worse because the MC was too smart and worked her ass off to prove her love for him. In the past life, he never have to ask or worry about anything because she did everything. Ironically this led to worse treatment of the MC, so its her fault i guess .....She did all the queen duties while the heroine played around with the prince. After MC died the country went down.This is what makes me feel sorry for the heroine. She just a regular Korean girl so she doesn't know how to do her duties as a Queen. He kept on asking her why cant' you be as half as good as the MC. Only after she gone he miss the MC .....because his life wasn't easy as before!!!

    actualtrash July 21, 2019 11:40 pm

    Ugh yeaaa rip allendis the ship was great while it lasted

    Fujoishi101 July 21, 2019 11:40 pm

    Also Spoiler for the story itself (edited by me, some stuff in parentheses added by me for extra info, and creds to myling again):

    In the 2nd life he is still obsessed with her and thinks that the MC belongs to him. The shock of her interacting with other guys and her trying to break the engagement got him to chase her in order to figure her out. When MC went training with her dad she wrote a letter (about her "future" a.k.a. the stuff that the prince did to her in her past life) meant for the rival ML (Allen) but the prince ended up reading it instead (a.k.a. Redemption arc!!! See, told you. He basically starts wondering what caused his future self to be that way, i.e. basically the author's attempt to make us readers sympathetic).

    Even through Mc works hard, fate keeps making them them meet. Then the heroine came to the world and kept trying to get together with the prince, tangling herself with the MC too. Note, she has also been reborn! She wants Mc to do all the work so that she can get the credit. This is when i hated the heroine for being so lazy and selfish. The heroine has become the villainess at this point so eventually the MC blames all the prince bad doing on her, thinking that the heroine led him astray! (Of course, the fact is completely disregarded that the prince himself is also at fault for doing the bad things in the first place. Instead of blaming the prince for not knowing better, she decides to blame the "mistress" in the situation.) Then the MC overcomes her trauma and marries the prince. She forgives the heroine and gives a light punishment. The heroine has to stay at another country up to 5 years (dumb punishment). This novel was so fun but the ending literally kill the story for me. Also as a woman i couldn't figure out why she liked the prince so much. Probably plot power? He was just so forgettable. He more of a tool to keep the plot going. The MC sort of deserves this destiny because in the end, she pushed the blame onto the other the woman and not the man. After I read the ending all I could think was, girl have you ever heard of the me too movement? Yes, the heroine turned evil but she did it to survive in a new world where all she had was a man. The prince never loved the heroine and he was using both girls in his life. He was so selfish and never really repented He doesn't deserve to be happy.

    Fujoishi101 July 21, 2019 11:46 pm

    For those wondering how the heroine died (I edited the grammar, creds to myling again):

    The heroine tried to be queen and get MC to do all the work, like before (in past life). She didn't even try to do it... She is the villain and victim at the same time since, like i said, she was practically kidnapped by the God and stuck in a world she knew nothing about to be a blessed child. She was just an average 18 year old with no talent or training, who didn't even want to be queen. She was just trying to live but God only offers to send her back after everything happened (in the past life). She doesn't want her memories to be erase so she ask to be reincarnate. She wants to do a redo (after prince started to treat her terribly when MC was executed) but as you know the MC got a redo too. So by the time she arrives in the world things are going differently, so she becomes selfish and tries to get in the way of the MC, but only get used by bad people and the God. Everyone uses her and throws her way.

    (myling's thoughts) I wonder what other people will think of her...this is just from my POV so other readers might feel differently, but at first i hated her but in the end i felt sorry for her. I hated the prince and the God the most.

    Fujoishi101 July 21, 2019 11:49 pm

    ALSO: this manga is pirated from T*ppytoons. It was at first free, but the free translator dropped it because:

    (creds to sarrieta90, edited by me)
    "So I got some bad news.
    The person who was translating the Korean webcomic of this novel, found out about the ending and was pissed that someone leaked it. So because of the spoiler leak and the translator's feelings on the novel ending, she will NOT be translating or putting her work on free manga reading sites. So the only way to see it in English now is go on t*ppytoon and pay for it. Sorry."

    I.E. The original translator was so pissed at the ending that she dropped it. Ha.

    Fujoishi101 July 21, 2019 11:54 pm

    And one more from myling in response to someone's question about Allen:
    "Yup she marries the prince and she becomes empress. Her running from him to succeed her dad, and not wanting to marry him causes him to want her. He was always in love with her in a way but was too proud...you will see this trope a lot in korean novels, hmm.

    The green haired guy loses the girl but his daddy issues get solved, sort of, and the other guy meets a girl so happy end, i guess...

    Like I said, I was really unhappy with the end. In fact I heard the prince was so unpopular the author wrote a side story about his point of view but it back fired because it just confirmed he was selfish like that to his very bone marrow. But in the webtoon he's cute and in the novel pic he's dreamy so I purchased it with a bunch of other reborn-esque novels that had similar stories where the ML has a excuse to kill the MC. The MC reborns and suddenly the prince is chasing after her. This is the only novel i couldn't defend the ML at all... Actually that's not true, I read a bunch of Chinese novels like that recently *coughs blood*

    Fujoishi101 July 21, 2019 11:57 pm
    Ugh yeaaa rip allendis the ship was great while it lasted actualtrash

    Welp. I was prepared for it to end from day one, but it was nice.

    actualtrash July 22, 2019 3:32 am
    Also Spoiler for the story itself (edited by me, some stuff in parentheses added by me for extra info, and creds to myling again):In the 2nd life he is still obsessed with her and thinks that the MC belongs to ... Fujoishi101

    I really appreciate this summary I can’t deal with the people who are sugar coating things that don’t deserve it (i.e. the prince).

    Fujoishi101 August 16, 2019 7:33 am
    Welp. I was prepared for it to end from day one, but it was nice. Fujoishi101

    yup. art was damn fine but the ending ain't

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