Fujoishi101 August 15, 2019 7:08 am

I get that Kouki was a shitty dude, but he was just a player and that's that... he didn't deserve to be raped.

Fujoishi101 August 13, 2019 7:34 am

I loved the baby scenes, but overall the character dynamics make me uncomfortable. They leave a bad taste in my mouth.

Fujoishi101 August 12, 2019 11:18 pm

I get strong female leads, and I like unconventional ones... but this manhwa... is just too much of a mess. Since the beginning, it's felt as though things were all over the place, not to mention I haven't grown to like either character at all....

Fujoishi101 August 12, 2019 6:37 pm

everybody's bashin' the prince but i get it. you invade another kingdom, you gotta kill all their royals, because who knows what'll happen in the future if you don't.

    xMikanx August 12, 2019 10:53 pm

    slashing royals left and right, just your average tuesday evening.

    Lover666 August 13, 2019 12:40 am

    I understand. I'm suprised that no one knew what she looked like or ratted her out. But, she is too kind to kill. I'm just waiting for Marie to encout the prince now and he stil don't know ... hopefully.

Fujoishi101 August 12, 2019 3:35 am

the premise is dumb. All you gotta do is not be a bitch to others and not be tricked by the empress.

Fujoishi101 August 6, 2019 6:06 pm

Or Kenneth falls for Latte but one-sided only.

Idrc about the prince. BUT ARWIN + LATTE. YES.

    Jules August 9, 2019 6:05 pm

    Little spoiler but...
    Arwin and Latte actually end up together from what i see in the raws so you ship is correct dont know about the Kenneth thing tho sorry

    Okarisu August 13, 2019 9:27 pm
    Little spoiler but...Arwin and Latte actually end up together from what i see in the raws so you ship is correct dont know about the Kenneth thing tho sorry Jules

    There's an alternate story where he ends up with her instead.

    Fujoishi101 August 16, 2019 7:15 am
    Little spoiler but...Arwin and Latte actually end up together from what i see in the raws so you ship is correct dont know about the Kenneth thing tho sorry Jules

    i VERY much ship it, cos Arwin is the most interesting out of the 3 guys. also cos hes a cutie.

Fujoishi101 August 5, 2019 4:24 am

this one just doesn't draw me in. Maybe it's the artstyle, maybe because it lacks plot, maybe because it's bland. There's nothing really to look forward to, I think, and that's the problem

    hack5 August 6, 2019 1:47 am

    Just imagine all you did was stated your opinion and they down voted you why because you did not like what they like anyway I agree I did not like the story at all its does not feel romantic (the alpha leave a mark on the omega to CLAIM ownership seriously no in fact the whole explanation at the beginning was a total turn off especially where they explain the alpha and omega like the omega has a weak body and is used for breeding,yikes that was ...........

    Hestia The Goddess August 6, 2019 10:22 am

    Things may be going in a very cute way but I have a lot of questions in my mind... Like how no one (besides that teacher asking him what happened) thought of the fact that maybe he was raped... Like even his mother did nothing about it c'mon seriously girl that's how you protect your child?? Everyone is like YOUR alpha bla bla bla or YOUR omega bla bla bla to these kids. Which when you say such things to kids it sounds kind of inappropriate to me maybe it's just me. I think it's poorly constructed in a lot of parts.

    hack5 August 6, 2019 11:26 pm
    Things may be going in a very cute way but I have a lot of questions in my mind... Like how no one (besides that teacher asking him what happened) thought of the fact that maybe he was raped... Like even his mo... Hestia The Goddess

    True that also got me their ages I mean the omega kid is like what seven when the other kid bit claim ownership that's is like so wrong so are they trying to say these kids are sexually active at that age and no one is alarm about it that is just sick anyway time to look for something else to read

    Hestia The Goddess August 7, 2019 12:15 pm
    True that also got me their ages I mean the omega kid is like what seven when the other kid bit claim ownership that's is like so wrong so are they trying to say these kids are sexually active at that age and n... hack5


    Fujoishi101 September 5, 2019 6:10 am
    Just imagine all you did was stated your opinion and they down voted you why because you did not like what they like anyway I agree I did not like the story at all its does not feel romantic (the alpha leave a ... hack5

    ahaha yeah I guess contrary opinions aren't appreciated. happy you agree with me on this one though, I mean you basically said what I wanted to say.

Fujoishi101 August 5, 2019 3:25 am

What the fuck? Are people actually shipping Clark with Alex? Y'all gone psycho or something??? Clark would definitely die some point into the game, but that's besides the matter. I don't see how that could even be possible, when Clark had no feelings whatsoever in the beginning. Yikes to all you hoping for Clark to develop feelings...

Fujoishi101 August 5, 2019 3:24 am

Shit's gonna go downnn. Also, I hope Clark gets together with the doctor, since he obviously cares for the man very much.

Fujoishi101 August 5, 2019 12:59 am

Part of me wonders why Zhang Weixu started cheating in the first place. I mean, if it started 3 years ago, then wasn't that right at the time of the "SARS crisis" or whatever, where he'd declared his love to Zhishu and say he wouldn't know what to do without him. So how did he start cheating?

    oni-chan August 5, 2019 3:33 am

    I believe it started all in the sake of the company to make it bigger but then it just became a habit for him

    Famadan August 5, 2019 5:04 pm

    The sars is when in zhishu and wengxu thir year. Meanwhile wengxu and chenzui 3 years ago at this time so, wengxu and zhishu nownis 14 years and wengxu and chenzui 3 years. Because of that this manhua called 10 years where ilove u themost cause the 3 years wengxu start cheating with chenzui and maybe 1 year he is fooling around with random people

    Fujoishi101 August 16, 2019 7:23 am
    I believe it started all in the sake of the company to make it bigger but then it just became a habit for him oni-chan

    but that teenage boy had nothing to contribute. i get other stuff, but to continue on for so long with an affair, not just a one time thing.

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