Holachica July 23, 2024 10:14 am

like its clear Leo liked JJ a lot in the past but not… seriously enough.

because you can like someone a lot, but still be selfish and not consider their thoughts and feelings.

Cos JJ said he couldn’t drink cos he had to drive but Leo shoved drinks in his face anyways, didn’t consider JJ’s own comfort as he went and introduced JJ the team mechanic to everyone (i mean it’s cute that he wants to show off JJ but also JJ seemed to have an awful time) and when he went to kiss JJ, it wasn’t out of anything serious but a momentary impulse. Cos he’s clearly surprised by his own actions when he thought “so guys can do it for me too?”

Like ughhhhh Leo is kinda endearing and CLEARLY likes JJ but also he’s not mature enough to be an emotionally committed and considerate partner. But like, youthful relationships can be like that, but maybe Leo never grew out of it??


    LoverOfYaoi July 24, 2024 5:59 am

    Man you have to do be only mature take out of all the comments here!! I like it

Holachica July 8, 2024 10:34 pm

why JJ broke up w Leo

bro's not just a spoiled brat (which can be cute). like, why shouldn't JJ break up with someone who seems nothing but self-centered and selfish? It doesn't matter what Leo secretly thinks subconsciously deep down (which is that he definitely cares), but what he does on the daily and the behaviors he displays.

like ch.1 it already seems like (from JJ's POV)
- Leo is using him as a dildo (fucking him right after the race, and upon having to leave JJ, all he says is "thanks for a good time, big boy!" like man's a hookup--not even slowing down for a cuddle or apology when clearly that's what JJ needed)
- Leo doesn't seem all that committed ("aw they're cute, I wanted to drink with them though" for the girls in the background, when JJ was picking him up from the party)
- Leo insults JJ's life and personality ("How is it like living such a boring life? And you always have that miserable look on your face"--like i'm sorry? what? is that something you'd say to your partner? drunk is not an excuse, esp when he hauled ur drunk ass home)
- Leo's follow up comment ("Or did you just have a bad day? Want me to suck your dick and make you feel better?"--likeeeee sex can solve everything. bro doesn't even acknowledge or realize how sht he's treated JJ all day? Like, you're the reason, man?)

AND upon waking up, he doesn't even begin to ponder what he could've done wrong, or self-reflect in wake of the breakup. Like he couldn't have POSSIBLY done anything wrong. If first thing after a breakup, is the urge to sleep around and rebound--"good riddance he's gone!" vs. "oh no, he's gone"... like did you ever have any respect for your partner at all?

and everyone else in Leo's life thinks Leo was the problem... which if that were me, i'd certainly have a lot to think about. And it's not like the relationship was abusive, and JJ doesn't seem manipulative so those impressions must've been naturally formed from Leo's own carelessness. Cos mans was a whole pillow princess, and JJ a service top.

And... Leo's lack of respect for JJ man. It hurts. Towards the blonde guy showing up, "They can't be friends. I'm JJ's only friend... and only because I'm nice enough to hang out with him" like, ouch. So he views JJ as a loser who only has him. Regardless of whether he was speaking out of break-up spite.

And when he trips 'n hurts his ankle, JJ's concern is only viewed as "you never miss an opportunity to nag at me" instead of, maybe, your (ex)partner cares about you???

AND!! AND!!! he immediately accuses JJ in his mind of "moving on so fast" when there's NO evidence--because he's projecting, having actively been on the prowl for hookups.

anyways if ur still confused why JJ would leave--maybe you're the problem ( ̄∇ ̄")

and there's probably even more to it all, that we'll find out in coming chapters. And I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE LEO CHASE AFTER JJ cos we have wayyyy too many scum tops and not enough scum bottoms, AND!!!!!! Leo's not really a hoe, he's just really stupid.

    Sniffcats July 8, 2024 10:37 pm

    I haven't read this but THIS comment is making me question if I should. I want to since the rating is high but that could change in a matter of hours so idk. Also thanks for talking about how trash leo is. Most the comments seem to know of his bad behavior but ignore it which I hate. It just shows how they view both characters. Like if they treat the other like shit don't hope they get together but rather they f-ing improve and THEN get together. Let me know if I should read this. 10/10 explanation

    Hey July 8, 2024 10:49 pm
    I haven't read this but THIS comment is making me question if I should. I want to since the rating is high but that could change in a matter of hours so idk. Also thanks for talking about how trash leo is. Most... Sniffcats

    This comment is valid, I wouldn't say that the story itself is bad, as we're just on the start of the story. But I'd say the art is carrying the score, because people here love sexy bulky semes with big sick energy vibes.
    Perhaps should've wait till more chaps

    Mosquito slayer July 8, 2024 11:31 pm


    Holachica July 8, 2024 11:37 pm
    GURL . ITS NEVER THAT SERIOUS Mosquito slayer

    I'd argue that an explanation of how one partner has treated the other--with complete and utter disregard, is quite serious.

    Kade July 9, 2024 2:36 am
    I haven't read this but THIS comment is making me question if I should. I want to since the rating is high but that could change in a matter of hours so idk. Also thanks for talking about how trash leo is. Most... Sniffcats

    I mean its only the 6th chapter i don’t think its fair to judge it of off that alone

    Holachica July 10, 2024 3:19 am
    I haven't read this but THIS comment is making me question if I should. I want to since the rating is high but that could change in a matter of hours so idk. Also thanks for talking about how trash leo is. Most... Sniffcats

    Usually the trashy bottom tends to sleep around 'n cheat 'n not give a damn about the top at all--but in this case, Leo's just plain stupid LOL. He cares but he's too self-absorbed. So honestly, I'm down to give it a go for the coming redemption arc HAHA

    user56278 July 10, 2024 9:22 am
    I haven't read this but THIS comment is making me question if I should. I want to since the rating is high but that could change in a matter of hours so idk. Also thanks for talking about how trash leo is. Most... Sniffcats

    You should def read this...i know people have strong opinions but the story JUST STARTED of course it's gonna be frustrating at first but we have little to no context about their past and i'm certain they will learn how to be better boyfriends the story goes on because contrary to popular belief Leo is not the only one at fault...

    .k. July 11, 2024 5:07 am

    If you look back into the story it shows how Leo did not really give the time to listen ti J.J anynore which prob builded up for J.J and git tired of it

    Holachica July 11, 2024 6:38 am
    If you look back into the story it shows how Leo did not really give the time to listen ti J.J anynore which prob builded up for J.J and git tired of it .k.


Holachica May 5, 2024 11:50 pm

skylar still got lingering feelings

even if he isn't acting on them

big oof for confirming cirrus' anxiety

Holachica April 30, 2024 11:05 pm


why didn't we get to see him cry at the pivotal moment, WHYS HE HOLDING BACK HIS TEARS. be the girlfailure you were MEANT TO BE!!!!!

Holachica April 24, 2024 4:03 am





Holachica April 23, 2024 8:22 pm

i feel for these vampys cos the two agia is fighting seem like decent beings

but its also cool to see him pow-pow 'n fight with ease

so badass

Holachica April 21, 2024 7:52 am

OHHHHHHHHHHHH the storm we knew was coming but never truly expected OHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Holachica April 20, 2024 7:43 am

"aight let's see..."

*barely scrolls past 2nd panel. Leon is still sittin on dick.*

"aight that's enough for today"

*exits so fast the next panel hasn't even finished loading*

Holachica April 20, 2024 7:40 am

they moved real fast. modern day jae-hyeok could learn a thing or two...

Holachica April 19, 2024 12:49 am

every bl couple ends up here eventually

fuking in a bathroom stall, keep fuking "quietly" as people walk in --> then almost get exposed but luckily the people walked out already

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