Holachica February 28, 2021 10:51 pm

this yaoi logic is really starting to grate me
like, Emperor sir...
1. You can't suddenly force the uke deepthroat like that. His throat will be injured, like, deepthroat takes TIME to ADAPT. You don't just jam your whole schlong into someone's throat, your Majesty.
3. The prep was just jabbing in two fingers and two seconds later dick goes in. A gigantic dick. Oh mans, this manhwa really ain't it.

also guys this is a joke i know at this point not to expect anything from BL okay... but even Painter of the Night Seungho PREPPED NAKYUM. Bleh. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Holachica February 27, 2021 7:53 pm

I read all the comments and thought Taejoon (the ex) was just a heartless douche. So I read up till the recent chapters (c24) to get a proper idea and listen... I'm not going to be attacking anyone for their opinion, promise, but I wanted to make an objective analysis and I hope you'll read it. I just want to explore a new train of thought.

This hate on Taejoon... I feel like it's just a little too much. Think about it from his side... I feel that we as humans tend to judge people too much personally, rather than situationally. We always pinpoint problems on the person themselves, and not the possible circumstantial/environmental factors that could have caused them.

You know, like the typical cliche example of: You get cut off on the road by another driver and curse at that driver for being a douche, but maybe someone important to him has ended up in the hospital and he's just trying to get there as fast as possible?

It's easy to start hating Taejoon, I mean I did too at the beginning, but I think it might be good to consider things from his perspective. All we get is how hurt Joyoon is and everything is from his perspective. He's in a coma for 5 years, comes back wanting to see his lover, and bam, gets smacked in the face with a new guy. That hurts.

But all stories have two sides. The 5 years to him must've been a short time, because he was unconscious for all of it, but what about Taejoon? The 5 years weren't just a blink of an eye for him. His 5 years were filled with hell, misery, and grief and suffering. Is he so wrong for trying to leave that behind?

EDIT: Okay, so a reply brought this up, of Taejoon blaming Joyoon for being in a coma. I'll just summarize it here, the rest is in the replies. Yes, Taejoon was angry with Joyoon (earlier in the manhwa), but that anger shouldn't be seen as victim-blaming. We get angry at the people we care about because what if we'd lost them forever? What if we never saw them again because of the accident? In Taejoon's view, it's probably something along the lines of: "Why did you go to Syria, huh? Why did you do that when I asked you not to?? You could've died!!". In fact the way it's portrayed in the manhwa is realistic.


1. In the time Joyoon was gone, the ex went through hell. We see that in the flashbacks, dude was drunk, crying--the way it's protrayed and spoken of, he really was in despair. The person he loved went missing in a foreign place and was possibly dead, and he didn't just brush it off like it was nothing. He was broken. All the people in both Joyoon and Taejoon's lives attest to that. He even wanted to die.
2. In the time Joyoon was gone, he also did a lot to searching for him. He left behind his job at his company (Joyoon's mom mentioned this) and he did everything he could. We hear this from everyone, how Taejoon did so much in his attempt to find Joyoon. Again, he didn't just shrug a shoulder and cry a bit and move on. He didn't know Joyoon was in a coma. Joyoon's status was unknown.
3. It was 5 years. Hear me out, 5 years is a really long time. That's pretty much a whole high school/university career. And he and the new guy have only dated for half a year. ONLY 6 MONTHS! That means he held out for 4.5 years. He waited and searched for 4.5 years, he didn't just give up a year in, or two years in, he actually waited for a long time. What if Joyoon never woke up, what if Taejoon had to wait the rest of his life? He didn't even know Joyoon's life and death. Some people can wait. There are stories of people waiting years upon years for their loved one to wake up, but just because one couldn't wait doesn't mean they didn't care.
4. Everybody is saying "how could Taejoon ditch a relationship of 30 years???". Remember, they only dated for 8 years. Of course 8 years is also a long time, but the other '22' years, in my view it can be shortened to ~15 years or less, because essentially even if they knew each other from baby-age, how much of that is actually relevant? Do you even remember your toddler and primary years? I don't, that's for sure.
5. The new guy Taejoon got together with, he was there with Taejoon throughout everything. When Taejoon was drunk and in grief, he was there to support him. He was there with Taejoon through his lowest lows, just as the love of Taejoon's life was missing and possibly dead. There was a void, and he was there to partially help fill that void. He gave Taejoon the support he needed the most, when he needed it the most.
6. So on their new relationship, I'm pretty sure Taejoon doesn't love the new guy. But what he does feel is endless gratitude, and a need to compensate. This new guy loves him, and did so much for him, and never gave up. It took a long time for him to come around and date the new guy. He needed to move on. He was in hell for such a long time and then there was this one person who was always there for him. He wants to make up for the new guy's efforts, to make up for what the new guy has done for him, so he finally started dating him.
7. Now suddenly Joyoon is back. At that point, there were two possible paths. a) break up with new guy and get together with Joyoon, or b) end the relationship with Joyoon for good. He went with option b). He isn't wrong for doing so. Putting together everything stated above, he went through hell for 5 years, and one person was there for him through all of it. That person loves him a lot, and is willing to do anything for him and he wants to return that person's actions. Now, he has finally (but we all know, not really) moved on. Remember, Joyoon was not yet awake. Taejoon didn't know whether he was alive or dead. He's finally left behind the hell he was in, and ended up in a better place. Of course, that hurts Joyoon. I understand, from his perspective he woke up to find the person he loves with a new guy. But try thinking about it from Taejoon's perspective. It's obvious he still loves Joyoon, but he's convinced himself that he's in a better place. That, and to break up with the new guy would go against his conscience--the new guy's waited for him for so long, and now that they're together, to suddenly ditch him for your old lover who was gone for a really long time? Taejoon is trying to convince himself that the choice he made was right. We can't blame him for that--I mean he waits for 4.5 years, and gets nothing. So he finally tried to move on. Now half a year into his attempt to move on suddenly his old lover is back? That's rough no matter how you view it. He's human, not heartless, and he wants to compensate. He's given new life a chance.
8. I just hope Taejoon gets his shit together. Either stay completely cold until things tide over, or leave the new guy and get back with Joyoon. Him being wishy-washy is hurting the both of them. To be honest, I'm kind of rooting for them to get back together and to work things out (because it's obvious Taejoon still loves Joyoon), although from the cover of this manhwa that probably isn't going to happen. Taejoon isn't a douche, he's just someone who's been through a lot and who is trying to make the best of it. He's only human. He's not perfect.

The new guy though. I mean I can sort of understand things from his perspective--but I can't say I feel sorry for him. He decided to forcefully attach himself to someone with emotional baggage and all that jazz, he'll have to live through it. He seems sort of conniving and scheming; he took advantage of when Taejoon was at his lowest low, but he did what he had to do to get his mans and even if I frown at it, what can I say, he really gave it his all.

Imagine the story from his perspective though. He loves a guy for so many years, and just as he has a chance to be together the guy's lover comes back after missing for a long time. Everyone has a story, it just depends on where you view it from. A villain in one story can be a hero in another. I still don't like the guy though, lol. The author doesn't seem to either.

That and, one more thing being, I feel like there's a tiny misunderstanding/deception for Taejoon somewhere? There was a scene earlier in the manhwa where the new guy is at the bar and the bartender mentions something about Taejoon and the new guy says something along the lines of "I can't tell him that... knowing him, he'll leave me!". Wonder what that was about.

    flimsywetcumsock February 27, 2021 7:11 pm

    100% agree.

    maychan February 27, 2021 7:14 pm

    for me I hate the ex for two reasons: he bring his new lover right away instead of talking in private with Joyoon and breaks it off with him, you know like a decent human being should act etc but instead, he brings in a third party that has nothing to do with their relationship so yeas, fuck this trash!
    second, the ex did blame Joyoon for being in a coma - read this again!
    thrid, he dares to go to Joyoon family AFTER breaking it off with him, and for what?! to make Joyoon even more miserable than how he already was?!
    I can forgive the ex for wanting to move on but not for using Joyoon family! for that I will never forgive that asshole prick!
    has for the guy of the ex, anyone that dare wish someone to die just cause they not sure in their love life are horrible! he had no right to wish for Joyoon to die no matter what his reason were - so fuck him too XD

    Holachica February 27, 2021 7:32 pm
    for me I hate the ex for two reasons: he bring his new lover right away instead of talking in private with Joyoon and breaks it off with him, you know like a decent human being should act etc but instead, he br... maychan

    1. Consider that maybe the new lover insisted on coming along? We've all seen how he is, i.e. very clingy and possessive. Maybe the two were on a date, and he rushed to the hospital right then? Maybe he was in too much of a mess to think it through? Not every human action can be calculated into the right thing to do. It's hard to be rational when a huge event happens.

    2. I'm thinking of one of the earliest chapters where he gets mad at Joyoon. At first I was also put off, but then I thought a bit. We all get mad at people we care about. If someone gets into an accident, anger is usually the most forefront emotion, before anything else. Think along the lines of, "Why would you get yourself hurt??? Why did you do that???". It comes off as victim blaming, but if it's coming from a person who really cares about the person who was hurt, maybe the anger is just because they could've lost that someone. Of course, the accident is not their fault. The person knows that, the victim knows that. Any rational being knows that the accident is not the victim's fault. People think before they speak more often than we'd like to believe.

    3. It doesn't seem to me, that Taejoon purposely went to Joyoon's mom. They met on the way. The way things were going, Taejoon was avoiding Joyoon, avoiding his messages, avoiding thinking about him. In that respect, why would he actively go looking for Joyoon? He knows how desperate Joyoon was to get back together. All he had to do was call, there were no roundabout ways needed. Joyoon too, he tells Taejoon to be normal with his parents, not to be awkward because of what happened between them. Taejoon doesn't seem to pursue it. He refuses dinner with the family.

    Also finally... I'm reading your comment again and I can't possibly see how Taejoon wanted Joyoon to die? That seems like a big stretch. A really, really big stretch. I could see merit in your other viewpoints, and understand how you may have interpreted the story as such but... but in all honesty I really can't see where Taejoon would have wanted him to die. If it's from my analysis above, I said "he even wanted to die" not "he even wanted him to die". I was referring to Taejoon wanting to die. Nothing else.

    KuroNekoMiina February 27, 2021 7:59 pm

    Agree the people calling taejoon a prick are either too young or have a young mentality they've all honestly been put in a super shitty situation and the best thing for all 3 of them is to move on with their own live taejoon with his current man and joyoon with his career and finding new love it's also been apparent to me that this break up has brought to light alot of issues they had in their relationship

    Holachica February 27, 2021 8:32 pm
    Agree the people calling taejoon a prick are either too young or have a young mentality they've all honestly been put in a super shitty situation and the best thing for all 3 of them is to move on with their ow... KuroNekoMiina

    I agree. In the past I would've hopped onto the "hate Taejoon train" but hey, I've learned. Although I emotionally hope they get back together, I know it's better for that not to happen. Also I didn't discuss that point but yeah, from the way it's talked about, their relationship had a lot of issues. A lot of which were on Joyoon's side, that with him being 'selfish' with his work which was really dangerous, long periods of time away, which left Taejoon in worry and loneliness often. Joyoon acknowledges his selfishness in the manhwa too. Man, humans are complex.

    maychan February 27, 2021 9:06 pm
    1. Consider that maybe the new lover insisted on coming along? We've all seen how he is, i.e. very clingy and possessive. Maybe the two were on a date, and he rushed to the hospital right then? Maybe he was in ... Holachica

    1. this is the reason why the ex should show some limits to what his lover can and cannot do. the fact he can't even do that shows he does not care enough other than about himself. and it does not matter what those two do did when they come, the ex should have done is take his boyfriend to the side and tell him clearly since he is an adult "I'm going to talk to him in private! you can wait for me in another room if you really love him you will trust me"

    2. still a victim-blaming though, no matter why he felt angry he is a fucking an adult man and should get this is a very hard situation to everyone and just him, not everything revolves around him, his pain is not the most important thing in the world. if he can't then he just does not feel like he really loves him or cares for him fully at all. it didn't felt like he cares, he felt like he was selfish and only think about himself first and how in pain he was instead of you know, acting like an adult man that he is and realize the situation was bad for everyone and not just himself!!

    3. the fact he just going with the parents instead of going against their all bs "please stop fighting" is just disgusting. and if you notice, when the mom scold Joyoon he just stood there and didn't say anything, he didn't fix the situation, he didn't put any limits to the family misunderstanding despite he should! why would he bother? it was convenient for him so he can see Joyoon but not admit his feelings. and that just low! god I hate him!

    has for the last part, I meant Taejoon boyfriend wishes Joyoon to die cause he was jealous of Joyoon - he said so in the bar and was angry he didn't die cause then it was more convenient for him to get with Taejoon, with again I said fuck him too.

    Wei_wuxian February 27, 2021 10:19 pm

    Damnnn lmaooo that’s an entire essay dude

    KuroNekoMiina February 27, 2021 10:48 pm
    for me I hate the ex for two reasons: he bring his new lover right away instead of talking in private with Joyoon and breaks it off with him, you know like a decent human being should act etc but instead, he br... maychan

    Agree with the family point feel like he should distance himself from joyoon until his feelings are stable but I think it was the right call to bring the ex with joyoon I feel like the harsher the breakup the easier it'd be for him to move on and it also gave his current lover reassurance so in that sense taejoon was right I feel like if Ur breaking up make sure it's cleanly done so even if u have regrets it'd be harder for you to get back together

    becky February 28, 2021 3:24 am

    Definitely agree! More people should read your take on this. Esp with Taejoon and his resolve.

    Neïla Xiao February 28, 2021 5:29 am
    for me I hate the ex for two reasons: he bring his new lover right away instead of talking in private with Joyoon and breaks it off with him, you know like a decent human being should act etc but instead, he br... maychan

    period ( ̄∇ ̄")

    maychan February 28, 2021 9:20 am
    Agree with the family point feel like he should distance himself from joyoon until his feelings are stable but I think it was the right call to bring the ex with joyoon I feel like the harsher the breakup the e... KuroNekoMiina

    I disagree about the way he breaks up with him. since it wasn't a clear break up at all, in the end, it was just cruel and selfish from the ex-side+side party that has nothing to do with their past. the third party should not be there! he adds nothing other than his own selfish way bs.

Holachica February 27, 2021 6:34 am

over how mature the MC is, and the way she uses her words! Like damn, holy heck like wow WOW! for once we get to see a mature transmigrator that actually reflects on and acts like the actual adult she is. (▰˘◡˘▰)

Holachica February 25, 2021 9:35 pm

Seung Ho be abusive and aggressive, and Hyungseo be conniving and despicable. Really don't know which of the two is the 'lesser of two evils'.

Holachica February 24, 2021 11:38 pm

A sexy sexy dose of... fucking reality. I'm guessing Hyungseo needs to do something really bad to him, for him to realize that Seung Ho was right. With people like the uke, they'll only believe someone is bad if bad shit happens to them. Otherwise it's just a case of:

Seung Ho: "hey, listen, he hospitalized someone"
Hyungseo: "but he's nice to me! you liar, uwu~"

Holachica February 24, 2021 11:09 pm

as I watched him go for the kiss when Taehwan was sleeping i was like nooooo cinnabun don't do it bro don't do it.... but he did it.

It happens in manhwa all the time but hey, why blame Taehwan when lo-behold this time it didn't work out :P ? Especially considering how he has internalized homophobia or sth, it's no wonder he got mad when someone he considered close (and maybe liked) came onto him like that.

Also imagine if it was anyone other than Taehwan, who brought a drunk person home to do a good deed, and said drunk person pushes you down starts grinding on you. Bruh, I'd get upset and get out too. Take a step back and think about how it'd seem from anyone else's perspective, irrespective of the circumstances in the manhwa.

This is not to say Taehwan isn't a jerk who should see a therapist about his internalized problems, instead of lashing out... but I mean it, like, just think about it. Imagine anyone else in his shoes... we'd be smack dab in the middle of an HR problem right then.

Holachica February 17, 2021 12:56 am


seme ranks pretty high among the piece-o-shit scale

ya rape the poor dude, and know how much he likes you--and upon catching him in a compromising position (which wasn't even???) you sexually assault him, leave the guy in a crying state... and WAIT fOR HIM TO APOLOGIZE TO YOU???? AND fOR WHAT??? HE DID NOTHING WRONG???? somehow he should be the one apologizing for your lack of trust?

b r u h

Holachica February 14, 2021 2:59 am

was kinda hoping for him to end up with elegant boss man but tbh we were all expecting him to go for the redhead in the end

redhead just be too cute ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

Holachica February 14, 2021 2:56 am

TL;DR: defending Taesung... guys there's really nothing to defend. To all the people getting pissed at Taesung's actions and calling this toxic... what more did you expect?

Sorry this relationship isn't what you want to read. It is a toxic relationship. The author doesn't sugar coat it, and presents it as is. So stop reading this if you're hung up. There are manhwas out there with healthy relationships, go read those for vanilla and fluff. Not every relationship portrayed in fiction is going to be healthy. The author can do what they want.

In this context Taesung is a mafia boss. He's a ruthless, horrible person who's killed people, who leads a violent gang for god's sakes. He isn't going to just change himself in a snap. When such a possessive person has a lover who's 'goodness' keeps leading him into situations that get him hurt, he's bound to lose his patience. He's controlling. He tells Soo-young to stop getting himself hurt, but Soo-young can't help his own actions. Taesung wants that to stop, so in his warped view, he takes extreme measures thinking one big injury on Soo-young will teach Soo-young a lesson to stop.

Letting Soo-young be injured this time will stop future occurrences as Soo-young will think twice. I am not defending his actions. I'm merely saying things as they are, and if you expect Taesung to be any different... you're going to be disappointed.

    mint_vee February 14, 2021 5:58 am

    THANK YOU!!. ppl out here really getting mad for this like what yall expect on a mafia boss

    Holachica February 15, 2021 7:49 am
    THANK YOU!!. ppl out here really getting mad for this like what yall expect on a mafia boss mint_vee


Holachica February 11, 2021 8:56 am

idk why this sht feels like it be happening in 2x speedΣ(  ̄□ ̄||)

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