Losing your capacity to think, rationalize and connect concepts and notions together, and not having any control over it whatsoever since you can't change your innate brain structuring is probably the most despairing and hopeless thing ever.

My uncle use to be a genius, and he got a brain aneurysm, the surgery saved his life, but he lost the capacity to retain information, he can't even read a book anymore. Was one of the great shocks of my life, he was my role model we use to talk about everything, read tons of books, and now he barely can keep up with a 10 year old kid.

Oh man, these were all such unfortunate incidents but the fact that the teacher and the uncle were, at the very least, able to live with their minds intact greatly past childhood and well into adulthood with well established identities, successful careers, able to meet and exceeded others expectations, is somewhat comforting, to me at least. Now when I think about it, I realize that Heejae couldn't even live through his entire childhood and lead his own future with what he used to posess for a fleeting amount of time. For someone who could've had a really bright future like the intelligent teacher and genius uncle at the very least, it's quite heartbreaking.

While I enjoyed majority of the panty designs (eg. I love how Miko's panty is modelled after a shrine like look which is really geared towards her occupation as a shrine lady) some were quite anti climatic and generic in how they appeared, and in my opinion, should have been further based and specialized according to their hobbies, occupations contextually. A key example of a dissapointing design would be the Goddess panty design, when I first saw her profile I was quite thrilled at the aspect of seeing a grandiose panty design with various beautiful ornaments befitting of a Goddess adorning it and for it to contan beautifully woven intricate patterns but what awaited me instead was a disappointingly uninteresting and forgettable pantsu. On another note I do appreciate how the mangaka has integrated the many of the girl's personality/occupation and poses together (eg. how the ballet girl is doing a ballet pose while showing off her pantsu, I particularly enjoyed that) and also some of the snarky dialogue of the girls which really spices up the experience. Character profiles were overall decent, in my opinion, providing a respectable plethora and variety of characters from different backgrounds. Would have preferred the girls blushing while showing off their pantsu instead of looking at me as if I were a universal abomination but this is just chalked up to individual preferences.
My friend bought me a physical copy of this manga for my birthday. Totally worth it >w<
How sweet! Your so lucky i wish i had a friend like that or just a friend
HAHA oof, this friend is my only friend too so I get where you're coming from xD