lilShy created a topic of Full volume

I was scared at first because it seemed like a typical all sex no substance manhwa but I was surprised to grow attached to Dowon.

The relationship was cute and funny. The sex was very silly at times but that also made it seem more realistic to me. I also suspect the author was getting kinks from a roulette and throwing everything in the story but still, I enjoyed it a lot.

lilShy created a topic of Sex Exercise

I'm glad it's over omg the ending was awful and so obviously rushed.

1) Miso and the nerdy guy deserved so much better, their girlfriends are dicks.
2) the mc looks ugly at the end of the story I'm sorry but it must be said. Truly proves that skinny does not equal attractive.
3) Charim should have been murdered, nasty rapist
4) the gym side characters are way more likable than the main characters

lilShy asked a question

please I'm so tired of clicking on covers with seemingly three or more love interests just for it to be a "boy 1 and boy 2 fighting for boy 3" or some harem situation.

has anyone read a good poly manhwa and if so can you drop the name? pretty please