I wonder if she'll bring Josephine back? Since she did get unjustly fired. Yeah she bullied her but she was making up for it. Maybe im prejudice since my name is Josephine and this is my first time seeing it in a manga

No she's not making up for it. Remember that time when they were chatting and planning on how to "apologize" to Chloe? They said that Chloe would be given the authority of handling the budget. That also means Chloe would be given the authority to fire people. They were afraid that Chloe would use that authority to get revenge on them, so they planned on apologizing just to hopefully trick Chloe not to take revenge on them. They didn't "apologize" because they were genuinely sorry, they apologized because they were afraid of Chloe's revenge.
I really wanted to like this. I really really wanted to like this. I love the idea of story. But its so poorly executed. The mc is so gross and over the top. The pacing is so slow. It just feels raunchy and ugly over all. I like the love interested but its sad how he can't be with her now. I just really don't like this.