I am caught up (ch. 41) and everytime I start a chapter I still ask myself what is the reasoning that the dude has to have a baby so young. Does it have something to do with building a career. Is it like a superstition???? Do they think they are cursed???? Like what is the logic??? He is what 24 and still in college. What is the rush???

Maybe one of his parents are sick and want to see his children asap, or maybe it has to do with the pregnancy trending among rich community, or idk maybe his parents knew their son is a rude asshole that doesn’t know how to treat an omega and probably will never get married so they kinda brought an omega for him lmao

Both the parents dont take care of any of their childern.

Most royalty (especially emperors/empresses) have many things to do to yk manage a continent spanning nation. They cannot realistically spend their time raising their children themselves so they hire other to do so for them. Throughout history, that is the case. The idea of raising children yourself is a uniquely middle and lower class experience in the middle ages. Upper class only started to do that long, long after. Nuclear family dynamics like we have nowadays are unheard of for the wealthy I'm this time period.
The fantasy stories that do not follow this idea and instead make it to where the rulers can spend every waking moment around their children are incredibly inaccurate and should not be praised for their in accuracies.
Royal families that follow this idea are not inherently dysfunctional, especially for this time period. It's not abandonment, it's just realistic. The children are properly cared for by their attendants who give them they care and attention they need.
And as for the sons, I'm sure they are learning how to rule/inherit a kingdom so they are busy themselves. I'm sure we'll learn more about them late :)
Sorry for the essay, the feudal era was my special interest for a while so it's hard not to info dump lmao

This is a fantasy manwha set on family vaules and her wanting a family. I know how actual historical rulers work but this is a fanasty setting and a family focused manwha. I am not comparing the actions of the parents to the real world I am comparing it to other fantasy manwhas with family focused plots.

Abandonment is not really an accurate word for this, family dynamic. A lot of family focused manwhas are not really in royalty setting since most of it has a "born in a strong noble household that can rival the royalty".
Calling this abandonment is exaggerating, when u compare this story's family dynamic to angst plots where the mc is actually abandoned.
While neglect might be the closest word, it's still inaccurate. Cuz u can see from previous chapters, the parents still cares for her and doesn't give her a cold shoulder.
I think they're just physically unavailable due to royalty duties hindering them to emotionally connect with their child.

I am obsessed with Morgan. He is so cute.
I cant believe the ML asked if she still drinks cold water what kind of question about someone is that? It is like asking do you still eat hot food?
I cant wait to see him in a jealous spiral. I hope we get to see their life from before in his perspective not just him talking about it.
I really enjoyed it for the most part but the pace is way to quick. There is no time to develop plot points and expand the story around them. They just introduce a plot point and then move on. I kept thinking okay cool now tell me more but the story was like yeah cool right now look over here.
Yeah no kidding. I don’t like when they drag it out to much, but they skipped though ten years in 10 chapters.