The blond guy is so poor in this. Why is everyone playing with his feelings... and why is the Dark one so angry all the time?? You told him, that you aren't together and won't be, so WHY get angry at him every time??? bro's insane

He has liked him for years and accepted he was straight but still wants to be his friend because he likes him so much. Then he suddenly says wait maybe I’m gay…they black haired guy doesn’t want to get his feelings hurt when he believe his friend is straight and that if he takes him seriously he’ll get hurt when the guy inevitably says nah I just like girls. In the last few pages of ch 3 we see him happy that blonde guy pushes back and says no I actually liked you a little and who says I can’t fall in love with men. Then that guy calls him to say he found a girl friend which confirms black haired guys worst fears. He was angry earlier bc he was jealous and feels that blonde is not taking being gay seriously bc it’s not an easy way to live esp in a conservative country where gay marriage isn’t legal and people want to fit in to the norm. Many bi ppl choose the easiest path in life rather than loving the opposite gender because it’s more convenient so even if he’s bi that could still be a real concern to black haired guy. Irl a famous woman online who dated her first woman just announced she dumped her gf bc it finally hit her she couldn’t have biological kids with her gf and she wants that lifestyle. Gay people’s concerns are real and valid.

Fuck you for the biphobia btw. You're a fucking shit person and I hope you stay away from bisexual people forever. As though gay people haven't broken up with other gay people in order to hide their sexuality. 'Many bi people choose the easiest path in life' maybe you're just a horrible person that's why no one wants your ass

…it’s not biphobia to acknowledge that people in countries where being gay isn’t acceptable…chose to be in straight relationships if they can choose between both because they’re attracted to more than one gender. You projected this onto yourself so hard and got so ugly so fast. It happens. It’s not biphobia to acknowledge it happens. I don’t even think it’s necessarily wrong. It’s human. My comment was only trying to explain that the characters feeling is valid because it happens especially in more conservative countries where gay marriage isn’t legal or is even criminalized. This manga takes place in Japan. A place where being gay is still very hard. You turned this into a personal attack on me because you’re insecure. Deal with that.

you're being all aggressive for nothing... and you aren't even bisexual? who are you to speak in their place then? they never said ALL bisexual people do it, but it IS indeed a fact that a lot of people do that. anyone and everyone just -phobia label just anything these days without considering nuance it's crazy
I think Alan's plan was to make that whore hate Kiel - maybe make him regret some decisions and help him get Seria back, but it didn't work. Was he right for it? nah. Was it pretty clever? Maybe
Is Alan gay? I sure think so