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Jar_Of_Dirt February 26, 2025 6:43 am


Jar_Of_Dirt February 8, 2025 7:29 am

The comments had me fucking howling lmaooo

Jar_Of_Dirt's questions ( All 2 )

Jar_Of_Dirt December 17, 2024 4:51 am

So I recently read a few manga/manhwa that lowkey pissed me off because I liked some of the concept but hated the execution, I feel like they had potential but it was kinda wasted by the route the author went down. There were several and sadly I cannot remember the names off the top of my head to give for comparison, but I’ll write like a small summary of what I’m looking for and if anyone knows anything that’s even slightly similar to either of these three descriptions that would be amazing! Also these can be either BL, GL, or het, I have no preference in that regard, and I also don’t mind whether it’s nsfw or totally wholesome, I’m good with whatever.

1) Any love triangle series where EITHER: both leads are actually really decent people and it’s hard to tell who the MC will end up with, OR where the “main” one is a typical douche but contrary to the love triangle norm, the MC actually goes with the kinder one (I’m tired of getting my hopes up just to watch the MC end up with the one who sucks).

2) I read a manga where someone started dating the MC because he lost a bet or something, so like a fake dating thing, but the MC knew all along and went with it anyway, and things got sorted out pretty quick once the lead confessed that it started as a prank but turned into real love. It made me wanna see if there’s any prank-date “lost a bet” kind of thing where the MC genuinely doesn’t know and is actually hurt when they find out, and the lead actually has to WORK to earn back the MC’s trust instead of the “real” confession being accepted right away. (I feel like this will fuck me up emotionally but I want angst).

3) Lastly— is there a romance manga/manhwa where one of the leads is conventionally unattractive (whether it be weight or facial appearance or anything else) BUT doesn’t have to change themselves to make their partner or love interest like them? I read one recently where the MC had to lose weight for the ML to even respect her basically and it left a bad taste in my mouth lol— I just wanna see someone get accepted rather than force themselves to change. This can be purely fluff, or angst, I’m good with either.

Omg that was long. If you read this all, I love you.

Jar_Of_Dirt March 8, 2024 5:24 am

Is there anyone who can help me find the name of one of these two BL manhwa?

Both of them are likely at LEAST 6 or 7 years old by now, probably a bit older.
The first one I hardly remember any details about… I know it was about a hit and run car accident… someone left a scratch on someone else’s car, turns out they went to the same college or something. The one whose car got damaged was rich, the one who caused the accident was nearly broke, so the rich guy came up with an agreement that the other dude had to temporarily be his maid or something (I don’t remember if he actually had to wear a maid outfit or not but I know he would always call him his maid).

The second was about two high schoolers. One could read minds (I think it was specifically only hearing thoughts) and he found out some guy in his class liked him, so he kept getting closer to him I think out of amusement at first but then ended up actually falling for him. I don’t remember if I had gotten to where the other guy finds out about the mind reading, but the only other detail I remember is a flashback where the mind reader dude read his mom’s mind and heard her saying he’s a freak or something I dunno
Anyway I dunno if anyone will know these, I started them way back in 9th grade and can’t remember the names

    killerhydran March 8, 2024 5:30 am

    I believe that names are “ totally captivated “ and “ only the flower knows “

    Jar_Of_Dirt March 8, 2024 5:44 am
    I believe that names are “ totally captivated “ and “ only the flower knows “ killerhydran

    I checked and from the art it doesn’t look like it’s either of those, but they look interesting so I’ll add them to my list anyway! Thanks!

    bodyodyodyodyody March 8, 2024 6:40 am

    Was the mind reader one “voice of love” ?? I feel like it is

    Ccc March 8, 2024 7:22 am

    Take care of my housekeeper?

    Jar_Of_Dirt March 8, 2024 7:24 am
    Was the mind reader one “voice of love” ?? I feel like it is bodyodyodyodyody

    OMG YES thank you!

    Jar_Of_Dirt March 8, 2024 7:24 am
    Take care of my housekeeper? Ccc

    YEAH THAT ONE thanks!!!

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