Tbh i never rooted for nishina, not because he is a jerk or anything, i never felt like he loved nao. Its more like he was seeing himself in Nao , and was trying to protect him. He never wanted to see nao go through the same things that he did. But as Taichi confessed in front of everyone, he came to realize that taichi is not like his ex who will leave nao, hence he smiled seeing them when they reconcile.
And since this all made nishina to get cured (?) From his trauma I guess in future the author might make his story too.
I also like the fact that Nao and Taichi are still in the relationship and not wanting to leave each other even if they fight. As fumi said "there is only Nao for taichi and taichi for nao"
Also Nao's mom is really nice, it's not easy fo adapt to change immediately i am glad she ask for time, and didn't yell at them like Taichi's mom.
I only have one complain. Why is this not longer!!!

That's it? It should be longer! At first i was happily shipping him with the vice but then i diverted to the black hair guy and him cause the black haired actually was there for him,more than those two but i knew that will not happen and you know what? I was right. He got rejected and my heart broke,even tho i knew that would happen TT . I don't hate the red haired guy he is a realistic character and later in the story when i couldn't get the MC x black hair (which i was rooting for) , i wanted the red haired x black hair to be a thing. But guess what? It have to fucking end here. Aggghhhh i want more!!
This was so much fun and engaging, i felt like i was in the manga too, i don't read shoujo that much, but its 10/10