Another great looking series ruined by poor translation. Don't get me wrong, I'm really grateful to the translators out there doing good work, but if you're doing all this effort to translate something and cleaning and everything, why not ask someone who's good at English or native speaking to proof read. It's like doing a flawless lap just to stumble at the finish line. It's really hard to follow them plot for me and I'm sure I'm not there only one who just stops reading after the first chapter. ╥﹏╥

Im really sorry but when i saw the last panels and how it jumped from Akira wanting to go to gotos place to him being asleep in the bed with Goto looming over him made me image Goto taking him to a back alley and hit him in the back of the head and say "thought youd never ask" xD feels like a few more panels showing them going there would have been nice.

I like this. It shows how much one incident that can be percieved as minor can impact peoples life and how easy it is to make misstakes. The homeless man who lost the only thing he held dear because noone would listen to him poor thing. My heart goes out to him. And the trauma clung with the policeman for a long time.
Thats the only reason im reading it. She better pick him, but i know it will never happen. Never understood why the childhood friend never wins. Its always the new exciting guy. If anyone have recommendations on series where the childhood friend wins, let me know. Id love to read it.