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SonOfAnEgg's topics ( All 751 )

SonOfAnEgg May 23, 2024 2:04 pm

The Star Trek reference was everything :’)))) I love this author so much!!!!!

SonOfAnEgg January 22, 2024 12:21 am

I would take all of y’all as my comrades if we went to war together bc we all share the same mentality of take no prisoners, double tap the enemies!

SonOfAnEgg's questions ( All 1 )

SonOfAnEgg November 30, 2023 12:50 am

I know y’all are the best at finding thing and in my pea sized head I don’t think I ever saved this one but here’s what I remember about the plot:

-Uke has black hair and was in the army and once he got back he was given a child from a woman who was like this is your baby now and he was just happy to have a family so he takes her to the country side to raise and he now owns a “farm” that isn’t quite a farm yet but it has potential

-when he goes to the local convenience store it is closed and the owner, who is young, but also who kind of is the head of the town, accuses him of being a thief and vagrant

-long story short the seme (store owner) has a soft spot for the new uke in town and his child and wants to help him out so he keeps stopping by

-there is also another little boy who believes the uke is his father at first because he was from the army and had black hair like him

-additionally, the uke hasn’t named his baby (who is a girl who the seme thought was a boy) and the seme wants to help find a good name for her!

This is all I remember. If y’all could ever let me know I would be forever grateful :’)))

    shyark November 30, 2023 12:56 am

    'our sunny days'

    SonOfAnEgg November 30, 2023 12:57 am
    'our sunny days' shyark

    I love you so much you’re a god to me. I’ll put your name on my mantle TT)>

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kiss my ass (kiki) May 26, 2021 1:27 am

I NEVER REPLIED TO YOUR REPLY TO MY MSG AHH. im sorry :') im glad you were still able to upload it and/or translate it tho.

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