trash want to do ( All 1 )

confess to your crush

trash's experience ( All 2 )

trash 05 11,2020
Stream Mamamoo Aya on YouTube I promise no regret   1 reply
05 11,2020
trash 23 10,2018
i work part time at an ice cream place and recently what makes me moody and depress is this middle age / women (white or persian) customer came in .So i was just doing my job n it was around closing time and i was death tired n she called me out said " can you serve me better " and walked out and come back after 3 mins asked for my name . Now, for ......   reply
23 10,2018

trash's answer ( All 2 )

I’m apply this same concept of media said Video game cause violent Bc it fking doesn’t So I apply this to BL Yeah bitch it’s fiction and half of what you said don’t even make sense are you on crack   1 reply
06 07,2020
i never confess to anyone but i liked this dude in HS . He always said I'm cute but i guess he seen me more of a little sister n after he broke up with his GF i tried to be extra cute bc u know i though I have a chance but he asked his girl Best friend out after 3 days after his break up. Then a year later he moved to JP moral of the lesson im gla......   reply
12 08,2017

trash's question ( All 0 )