Not to be mean but like girl is not even on top tier level of pretty like Arthur and she decided to go seduce someone have you been looking at the mirror lately girl your makeup looks washed out
It’s not omegaverse but the uki always look like he in heat like bro commonnnn
Who is the dude that spoken out at the party ??? I don’t remember him ?
I got ptsd from all the party that treat the protag like shit lol but I love this hero party
Love her
She not over the top like other female lead when they decided to be all strong
Why did the guy has to carry that pod thing out ??? I’m so confuse ?? Like what’s the purpose
see if I was to be isekai I would help my ship out
Unlike some story where hoe has to get a whole harem like ???
Plz don’t be toxic plz don’t be toxic plz don’t be toxic
I just want some chi chi oppai but I’m always crying
I read this when I was really really young
But re read this again make me realize
Whoa Leon and Count D was that old marry couple
I was like why low rating and then I read the first 3 chapter and went ohhh
But then I’m also like I see worse in those Korean toxic BL and it still have high rating
But the plot for this one is really bad that’s for sure
That kid needs a proper adult
He alive right ??? Right ??!? He a figure from legend so he can’t die righttt righttt ??
I love the black bob hair girl went from semi mean girl to fully a girl girl type of girl
I hate the way this relationship is playing out
The seme needs to grown a ball and move on
Everyone feel sorry for duke … ppl are so nice lmaooo meanwhile I’m like this mofo got such an easy death … I want to see him be bitter and suffer more
Honestly he is so cute, his face whenever he eats pie
Yomama sends me that literally so boomer of him they are all bommer getting baited and using that name