everyone think this is just like snk can just go home bc there nothing like it
1st yes there is a wall .U can find a wall anywhere in history there will always be a dawn wall
snk knows for it super high wall that come out of no where
this manga I'm so positive the wall it legit human make and it is logic un like snk
2nd protagonist is not a whinny useless little bitch like eren this manga got a FKING badass Queen sorry to disappoint all u basic weed
3rd yes there r giant not titan yes it all the same thing but snk likes to go all fancy and called them titan
no giant is the nice friendly ppl that appear on later part of the story not just bam titan here to invaded ur ass and eat ur shit
i rest my point
sorry my grammar is bad
I adore this story personally even though the heroine is a cry baby but that just who she is but what make her a difference from most annoy ass heroine that she is not annoy even though she cry a lot but she doesn't whine she not try to leave her boyfriend just bc of all the pressure around her. I admitted the boyfriend too he saw through what deep inside her a strong will and not easy to back down
The black hair guy seems so shady pray he not gone turn a crazy but so far so good the eyes doesn't make sense though lmao