Alright, alright, I know this dj is cute and all, with this time around having Yuri and Victor who feels way more in character + the art is pretty nice, but was it just me who was genuinely dying of laughter while reading this dj?? At first, it was just some little things that got some chuckles out of me. Yuri saying "better rub this one real quick" (can't quite imagine Yuri talking like this XD) and then the thought of Yuri actually doing whole sessions of skate training with a BUTTPLUG IN HIS ASS really was quite funny. But the part that made me lose it was definitely the scene where the buttplug started vibrating (how'd it suddenly start vibrating anyway without any input?) and Victor motherfucking Nikiforov, consecutive champion of the skating championship, practically a living legend, after seeing sudden discomfort on Yuri's face, thought it was a legitimately good idea to just STRAIGHT UP pull down Yuri's whole pants without any prompting only to then see a buttplug dramatically fall out, his only reaction being "that’s dangerous, don’t do that!" as if THAT was the only thing weird about this whole situation. I honestly can not see the logic in this. Nay, I refuse. Seriously, I need to know what Victor's thought process was that he would seriously think pulling down Yuri's pants was gonna help him find out what the problem was. What did he think he was gonna see?? Maybe he saw Yuri's leg shake or something but to then respond with the way he did is downright INSANE. (makes for an insanely funny moment too though) And if you thought things couldn't get any whackier than it already is, Yuri's only defense for having a buttplug stuck inside his ass was…."I only wanted to have sex, Viktor." in perfect clarity like it’s the most obvious reason ever, and he actually had the gal to get angry at Victor after that ٩(๑˃ꇴ˂๑) He doesn't even try to explain that he simply didn't have the chance to take it out. So now Victor is probably thinking about how extreme Yuri is that he'd even use the damned buttplug during training just to practice having sex with him. After all, who but a weirdo would actually do that and risk hurting themselves? Ah wait, this is the same Victor who would think pulling down someone's whole pants was a legitimately normal action just minutes prior, so of course he wholeheartedly accepts this reasoning and actually feels a little happy knowing Yuri would do this for him. This scene, with its slightly awkward wording, and coupled with the framing that tries its damnest to try and make this seem serious makes it a point blank perfect headshot. It effectively MUR-DERED me and I was a laughing mess from that moment forward. Even the somewhat sweet scenes that comes after that could not quell the laughing fits I was having. In fact, Victor's "In Russia, when we want to keep our voice in…." sweet talk to Yuri made me laugh EVEN HARDER cause all I could think about was the "In Soviet Russia" joke since I was already a laughing mess at the moment. There was nothing that could stop me by then.
Honestly, I like this dj, but I feel like my reason differs from literally everyone else who read it. Even after rereading my comment, I'm certain nobody would understand why I'd like it for such, frankly, nonsense reasons. And as they say, never explain jokes amiright? But clearly I went way over explaining and is in a whole nother territory now. Just shows it’s the little things in life that makes you laugh. ^^
TL;DR spelling it as Viktor instead of Victor shows that you're blind to the true reality of life.
They are so dang cute...