butterscotch's experience ( All 7 )

I'm genuinely curious how do you mess up that bad? cuz the reply box and comment box thing look completely different. No judging here I'm just so intrigued and I've been thinking about this for too long I can't take it anymore   1 reply
19 02,2024
Guys I know I'm weird for this but please don't call me weird I would rather die than be called weird to my face thank you very much but. I genuinely think something is wrong with me because I can detect whenever someone is specifically russian or not. I don't know what it is about them something in my head just tells me straight away, "that's a ......   2 reply
14 01,2024
nah bc whenever I'm in an argument with some mf online they try to mock me saying I like my own comments?? Like bitch yes I like my own comment because I know my opinion is superior and clearly the only right one. I like my own comment not because I'm an attention seeker that tries to act like no one disagrees with me, I do it cuz I seek my own att......   5 reply
15 09,2023
I was trying to follow someone on here just now bc they're funny or whatever and then I noticed it's not letting me follow them for some reason????? and now I'm sad cuz what if they blocked me but at the same time wtf did I do to deserve it?? I swear I didn't do anything to get me cancelled here so why am I blocked (this is me overreacting but plea......   1 reply
12 09,2023

butterscotch's answer ( All 70 )

wives   reply
08 06,2024
about question
oil up the insides of your hole maybe it'll go down a little easier then . just saying because your is going to get stored up with it   1 reply
15 05,2024
about question
I used to be just like you..... ahh.. those truly were the days.....   1 reply
12 05,2024
this is some next level creativity like i cant even critique it in any sort of way   reply
19 04,2024
about question
what a new and interesting opinion this is   2 reply
15 04,2024

butterscotch's question ( All 12 )

and we're not even aware of it? i just know I would be a greasy pocket-sized beta but turns out to be omega nerdy otaku twink begging to get stretched out just like that hole in my waifu body pillows surrounded by 8 year old expired semen . but hmm who would you guys ship me with ? who shall be my one and only alpha ? I'd prefer an otome game type plot just saying .

drop your suggestions down below !
15 04,2024
they pull out your mangago reading history and profile

what do you do?
04 04,2024
I just saw this video on tiktok where this old guy is in PUBLIC and he just told his wife he's reponding to work emails but actually he's looking at profiles of half naked women doing a bunch of sexy dances and shit with his brightness all the way up. Like I imagine they've probably been married for decades and the wife has been going about her daily life not knowing about this. ALL those years of your life you spend devoted to someone just for them to do this to you????? It can happen to anyone and that's one of the things that makes this genuinely terrifying. Unknowingly too????? Call me sensitive if u want but I'm scared
14 01,2024
Can we all collectively agree to bringing back mermaid movies/books/comics/other stuff????? But like a more mature version ykwim? Like I unironically still am obsessed with this trope. If y'all got any recs please tell me even if it's a manga or whatever
20 12,2023
today I was packing up my stuff at my locker to go home when these 2 girls came up to me and told me their guy friend said I'm really pretty. My mind literally went blank cuz this has NEVER happened to me before. Y'all are probably thinking I'm overreacting but this is a big deal for me because I've never even been in a talking stage. All I could think about were things like: are you sure u didn't get the wrong person? IS THIS A PRANK AND ARE YALL MAKING FUN OF ME?? But in the end the only thing I could say was thank you and they kinda just walked away after that?? I WANNA DIE WHY CANT I EVER DO THINGS RIGHT? I SHOULDVE ATLEAST ASKED SOMETHING ABOUT THE GUY.. NOW IM JUST SO SAD BC ILL PROBABLY NEVER GET TO KNOW WHO HE IS SINCE HE WASNT WITH THEM AT THE TIME THEY CAME UP TO ME. I REALLY HOPE THEY DIDNT THINK I WAS WEIRDED OUT BC I REALLY DONT KNOW HOW TO RESPOND TO THESE KINDS OF THINGS. I need some reassurance pls help me out.
08 11,2023

People are doing

did how are u guys doing in school

got a 25% on my first physics exam 0-0 at least with corrections i can get up to a B!

31 minutes
want to do my first boyfriend

ive had 2 girlfriends but never a boyfriend and i rlly want one bc ive never had one

46 minutes
did how are u guys doing in school


2 hours