Breaking Through the Clouds 2: Swallow the Sea
The thing about good Chinese story, they are fun. I'm only on the 4th chapter, but it's already engaging! There are dramas all over the place, but it doesn't minimize the comedic elements. What even more important is, it doesn't lose its main problem that keeps the story flowing. Glad I found this today! I hope this is how things going to be for the next chapters as well!!
The Problematic Prince
I love how the ml doesn't miraculously change once he is attracted to fl. He remains himself, confident, competent, busy, and just living his life like he used to. It doesn't mean the fl doesn't affect his life at all. There are times ml's colleagues or subordinates will be questioning his reaction and decision when FL is involved, but it doesn't transforms him into a whole new person personality wise. I mean, he is in love and he cares for her, however it is pregoatively for her to sense and to enjoy. He is not suddenly the greatest person for the world to see. Nice nice.
Beneath the Surviving Princess Joyful Facade