It annoys me that people can't appreciate a good story. This manga is REALLY good because it portrays reality yet it makes it appealing. Why cheat? Understand that they are each others first and only sexual couple. They have no other experience, so of course they both become interested when meeting the third guy. One goes the extra mile and has sex with him. I know so many people who had long relationships with their first sexual partner that end exactly because of this. Romantic love is beautiful but it's also fiction. There's nothing better than experience, and though cheating is incorrect, it is important to point to the problem being that neither of them had more experience than with each other. I'm not saying everyone should sleep around, or that NatsukI did good with cheating. I'm saying the story portrays a dilemma and problem many couples face and that it is a good portrayal of it. Good manga!

They never said they were comfortable with the idea of cheating or being cheated on. They were complimenting good story telling and interesting character depth and devolpment. OP was addressing an issue amongst many young couples, not all but some, that this story is trying to portray realisticly: the dilemma of some young people being in a long committed relationship with no one but the first person they dated and realizing there's a whole plethora of people out there they haven't met and the curiosity of dating someone else. They have no experience with being in a relationship with anyone else, and at that stage they're not sure what they want which can lead to confusion and a twisted way of acting out to understand and get what they want, in this case cheating. Around the age you attend college your fertility and drive should be at it's max so the many potential partners around you start to cloud your mind. The what ifs. Most can handle a faithful relationship however some can't, not when they haven't experienced what being with another person is like. They haven't dated anyone else and all around them, especially one, seem to be potential partners they could experiment with, test the waters if you will. The one with a stronger will, the tall blonde and the weaker willed but more curious brown haired guy, the one who cheated. They both thought of being with this guy, the what if, and one had more strength and will to stay faithful the other didn't. It doesn't mean he doesn't love him but right now it's all lust talking and really the guy has no clue what he really wants, but after this latest chapter he might start to realize it simply because he knows what it's like to lose someone you care about. If he learns from this or whether or not Blondie will take him back is up to the story and progression of events, and how the cheater reacts and acts later on. Neither I nor the op are condoning nor defending cheating however we are making an observation and the current state of mind of the characters. I may not have spoken quite informative enough or coherent for you to understand but I hope the general gist of the argument is there for you to comprehend. I hoped I helped op in explaining perhaps what we may agree on though I do not speak for them just interpretation.

I doubt anyone is comfortable with cheating, but if being uncomfortable with a topic "gives" us the right to just discard it then we are being simple minded. That's what annoys me, that just because the story is about cheating people just discard it without giving it a thought of the depth of the manga.
You claiming that I am comfortable with cheating shows that you didn't get my post, which doesnt really matter but I stand by it: it's a really interesting story about something that is real, and I think it has the potential of making you delve in relevant issues.

I agree. I've always been of the idea that whenever you feel like cheating is time to break up, as simple as that. He did wrong, but something that also annoyed me is how the long hair guy also commented on Natsu''s body, saying he should build muscles too. I think they were both being stupid because of lack of experience, and that can happen to all of us are until we learn who we are and what we want. There are many ways of learning, and trial and error is one of many. The story is about an error that almost broke a couple. Let's see how they fix the issue!

Just saw the raws and OH LORD! This will be one all-time favorite!

You saw the link now? I meant to say it is in the same mangago page of the manga:

The image of the young Dohyun is not a memory per se. I think it is Sungho realizing that he is tarnishing the childhood memory he has of his first love. Earlier in the story he's been trying to make Dohyun remember, and even try to go back with him to that blissful time. But now he is getting aware that what Dohyun said is true: he's making that past rotten. Therefore, he gets into a hysteria crisis (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
Update please! :'(