agitatedkai's feed

I hate when authors make all their characters espscially the female ones lighter than snow and skinny as sticks. It's not beautiful it's unhealthy. they look anemic.

There's nothing attractive about looking like you'd die of skin cancer the second you step into sunlight, there's nothing atttactive about looking like you could be broken in half like a twig, there's nothing attractive about looking like a paper cut is all it takes to end your life, there is nothing attractive about having no blood circulation.

The singular normal healthy looking character (the darker skinned man from gottrov) was painted in a bad light for not helping her, given incredibly unremarkable features and being held in the shadow of the nox guy that literally looks like a rotting body with his complexion.

Editing cos I can

Im not saying I want every character to be poc and fat, I'm js saying VARIETY would help. Same face syndrome is real and so is same body syndrome. Idc if they give them Caucasian features js pls at least make them look like they've been exposed to UV rays before. also give the pale ones a realistic skin tone that you'd see irl, like hate to admit it but being the same color as milk is kinda.. also idc if all main charas r white js wld help if they make at least some bg charas tan. Genuinely no problem w acknowledging melanin.