Currently there are 104 chapters and I waited for since chapter 1 came out to read this. I'm JUST at chapter three and I already hate it. The characters are annoying the main character is OP to the point to makes no sense. First chapter, okay nice entrance good way to bring people in. Next up he starts smacking and making people fly away with his organs(????) Like wtf???? I doubt that could even happen since it's JUST an organ and then the person who got captured calls him human after literally watching him get cut into pieces and OH YEAH I FORGOT TO MENTION He got cut to pieces and his body parts flew back together. Tf. That's not even an ounce bit realistic. This was shown or so I believed this would be a normal zombie type comic where the MC is part zombie and human. Not whatever this shit is. Also the guy that got kidnapped isn't the least but traumatized by watching the dude rip his insides out. No reaction to it at all as if it's the most normal thing out there. And then the bitch of the boss appeared. Most insurable character out there she really goes and said something about sneakers, NAH bitch he's wearing heels. Also they SOMEHOW track him down????? I'm lead to believe it was through his footprints but I again the probability of that actually working in real life is basically none. And THEN she jumps in trying to kill him. LIKE???? Also she's showing no fucking fear at the fact that his head just popped up after she ripped it off not worrying that he would just fucking die. And then after she shoots him and all that shit he just DOESNT KILL HER?????? And why!? He doesn't like killing humans. OH MY GOOODODODOD And then comes in the next girl WAYYYYY too fucking quirky for a zombie type show. Also I saw her fit and got so confused bc at first I thought they were some part or were part of the military but they don't wear any protective stuff. Second girl also got on my nerves. ALSO after they set them off to do their damn mission they put HER of all people to go with him when it's HER FIRST TIME!????? Like tf they must really not care for her life. And then the first bitch goes and says something about it probably going alright bc second girl is there. NO TF????? SHE SAID ITS HER FIRST SO WHAT TYPE OF THOUGHT PROCESS DID YOU HAVE FOR IT TO GO SO CALLED ALRIGHT??!??!? ALSO once he gets into a fight with, ferries, YEAH we don't just have zombies that might as well just be bad humans and have no other quality, we also have humans that have qualities of animals. So he gets into a fight with them and to win he makes a huge brain from his finger tips. LIKE???? I was fine with it the first time bc it was normal sized but ????? AT LEAST TRY TO MAKE IT A LITTLE BIT REALISTIC. He literally just uses his own body parts to fight them. And the thing that bother me so much as that he can just conjure them out of nothing. LIKE ???????? THEN WHAT WAS THE POINT OF HIM RIPPING THEM OUT OF HIMSELF IN THE FIRST PLACE. And like he also has super human strong sharp vanes that can cut everything. ALSO he didnt throw the brain around, no, infact he moved it around with levitation or whatever tf people call it. At this point the author just added the whole body part as weapon thing for a gore type aspect but everything else takes away from it. The dumb villains/ main character, the extremely quirky characters. Pure shit.
ALSO They like try to do this thing where they're trying to be comedic. It doesn't fit the genre AT ALL to the point it isn't even funny. I read the latest chapter and wtf is that unrealistic bod type not even surprised with these type of mid ass comics. The first girl was also here but again, idk if it's bc I only read the first 3 chapters but her wiping away that tear and all that seemed so out of character to me when she seemed like the type to be serious.
Girl with unrealistic bod type also tries to be funny and seems like such a mid ass villain dude.
pls pls pls give it another chance its insanely good... its only like that in the beginning, but its primarily the character rishuale the one who's crazy obsessed w mc who adds comedic value, tbr for someone who only read 3 chapters this is an insane amount of critic you should realize that characters develop in a story T_T if i have to compare it to a similar manhwa its like god of high school with the chaotic fighting. each character has a specific power they manifest thats extremely unique and it has alot to do with their own complexes. one of the character's powers is to manifest techniques from anything she reads even fiction, so shes uses alot of martial arts that defies logic. mirae the main character isnt op for no reason, he deals with alot of trauma from his mom's death but the reveal behind his powers is gut wrenching. idk if i should spoil why the mc is op, (it's basically the whole dramatic reveal as to why everything is happening kind of the end of the story but be warned its actually so sad and it pulls everything together) so if youre thinking of giving it another chance, which you should! stop reading here pls MAJOR spoilers ahead!!!!
basically the "villain" in the story is actually his dad, and he created the whole "storyline" that mirae is living in. before zombies appeared, mirae was just an average kid living with both his parents. his dad noticed that things would just appear, and he thought he was the only one experiencing it. they end up dying in a car accident, but his dad returns back to the start of the day. as much as he tried to avoid their deaths, he finds himself in a never ending time loop. he ends up meeting the whole "creator" of the story that theyre stuck in. then he realizes that the cause of the timeloop was mirae the whole time, so he ends up writing up a story with mirae, except everything that mirae wanted for the main character was turned into the opposite by his dad. for example, he said the main character should have friends, so his dad made the mc incredibly lonely. the reason for mirae's powers is bec his dad knew that the main character shouldnt die, so he injected him with something that would make him immortal till the end of the story. the dad basically wanted to save mirae from the time loop.
Oh my days the crash out is unreal lmao, you keep coming back to it's unrealistic but it's a made up, imaginary, fantasy story?? Like it's not gonna be realistic honey what part about zombies is even realistic to begin with?? Then you say that the body type is unrealistic but you read "Sex Exercise" and stay long enough to rate it a 4/5????? The math ain't mathing.
Ey, I lwky read that as a joke but somehow ended up staying don't come at me plus my ratings should be looked at bc I lit put 5 stars on things just for the sake of it I'm ashamed of reading it too but also don't care enough about what you have to say on that. ALSO HOLY SHIT how far into my things did you have to go to even find that, stalker behavior ong imagine being THAT mad about someone writing a bad review.
OBVIOUSLY I know this is fiction. However, despite it being fiction, common sense should also exist for the reader to connect or understand how one thing lead to another. Ex. The footprints somehow led them to the guy and the grave. Let's be realistic the chances of that being possible are basically 0 especially if he traveled a long distance.
Another thing I want to mention is the zombie part. The reason I was excited to read this was because of that. But then it comes out that this, in my opinion, shouldn't even be labeled or advertised to take place in a zombie apocalypse. If anything it'd make more sense to just say we have human turned monsters that are basically still human it's just that they eat other humans now and they're stronger and harder to kill. Let's just say monster though. Which was a major disappointment to see when i was led to believewe would have zombies.
You also mentioned how it's zombies so it isn't realistic to begin with. Again, I obviously know that, but I'm sure you know that's not what I'm talking about when I said that. And if you did maybe get comprehension skills and read my yap session again.
Thanks for writing this out despite the possibility of me not trying to read it again. But if others do see it and had a similar opinion and saw this maybe you'd bring in new fans. Though I'll probably have to hold off on that, maybe in the future. Either way thank you for going out of your way to write this!
Bro if only I could go back in time and not waste my time reading this stuff bro I waited since chp 1 to now too and cus I saw it was lowkey “funny” from the clips I saw I thought it would be good and oh how I regret it bro I wasted 3 days of my life binging this now I’m in too deep and I can’t drop it let me just say I wouldn’t say it’s shit (cus I’ve read worse plots ) but it’s bad I was so confused the entire time and if anyone is reading this hxh is way better and togashi explains everything greatly expect for the plots twists yk it’s a masterpiece anyway not me yapping but I 100% agree dancing grandma
I'm looking for gore/physiological type works!
Thank You!
https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/brutal_satsujin_kansatsukan_no_kokuhaku/ highly recommend this if you havent read it already!
Currently at Chapter 65 and confused. So, I understand that the ML's dad is a kidnapper but I don't understand why he would do that? What's his reason? Is he just taking the kid for a few days and keeping them around and sending them back or what???
Ransom money it seems as the victims came from a wealthy family
Omg you're so right, big brain power right here, thanks for clearing that up! :)