8000 years ghost-child Albi did ( All 2 )

have fake friends love myself

8000 years ghost-child Albi's experience ( All 4 )

about question
I'm just curious does anyone know for that mystery? I noticed it's updated recently from 2 faces to 6 and nobody mentioned it.   2 reply
3 days
See the pic, the mirror reflection shows the truth. I warned everyone about dangerous name invocation, and now you all can see and understand if you still have some braincells in function. Who is calling me insane is worshiper of that name shown in the mirror reflection. Show yourself who you are!   1 reply
21 05,2024
about question
Love Love Love Love Love Between Boys! Love Between Girls! Love Between Boys and Girls! Love Love Love Love is me. Love is you. Love Love Love is true (tell me that you feel fine reading this) Love Love Love Love make all your thoughts emitting Love Love Love Love!   reply
15 05,2024
There is that dirty witch who lives next door, she spiritually attacked me 4-5 times in last few months. When witch attacked me for the first time with sleep paralysis, I was physically weak, still recovering after she poisoned me. That time she succeeded to cut my wings off (why I had the wings I won't tell now) I was paralyzed and I could hear h......   2 reply
20 02,2024

8000 years ghost-child Albi's answer ( All 132 )

Tea of sage (salvia officinalis) cures it the best and fast. It's bitter but only 2-3 sips are enough, and one cup during one day (I was poisoned of something and it helped me)   1 reply
8 hours
about question
The case here could be having an abusive mother. And you projected fear of her on other women. But there's not enough info in post that I can be certain   reply
8 hours
about question
Am I the only weirdo who is twice nominated in this thread?   1 reply
1 days
about question
I'll be controversial here. Not from reasons to defend him or any assaulter. I think it does not matter what it was. You were a child, for you it was "a game", you weren't hurt and you grew up normally without traumas. What are you getting now asking yourself all those questions? Yk, most children react badly if someone older is touching them impr......   4 reply
1 days
about question
I am trans guy and I am very hurt when girls see me in negative way as a guy. I mean, I spent majority of my life as "one of the girls". I was grouped with girls on trips, we shared spaces, we changed together, etc. And I never was perverted abt it. I had same troulbes as them, same body, I talked with them just...normally. And now, I still can't ......   2 reply
4 days

8000 years ghost-child Albi's question ( All 7 )

about question
>[If we wish to change things to better and stop increase of toxic content in manga, manhwa etc. we all have to know that WE are calling for it without knowing.
Change calling our favorite genre with letters "BL" (it is the root of ancient word for heartless (BBL), mirror inversion of LBB root for the heart, and from that root is the word love)
BL (.VioLent>) letter combo is emission of darkness,
and LB or LV (>Love.) letter combo is emission of light.

Same is with colors, their names are infected (inverted) too, and their frequencies turned to bad emissions.
That's why we live in darkness and depression.

It all works on invocation principle. Our thoughts have power, they are SOUNDS OF OUR MIND. If we don't know the difference between emissions, we are emitting thoughts with bad frequencies sending message that we love awful things.
It will reflect in our reality, as we see Love Between Boys genre called by letters BL is full of .violence>
(pay attention on VL root in word .violence>!!!)

Basically, we all should change the order of letters, call the genre:
LBB -Love Between Boys, or LB (Love Boys)
LBG for Love Between Girls or LG (Love Girls)
That's good emission of our thoughts, safe. It will return to us as love we are sending away THINKING SOUNDLY.

As you see in reality what is happening with recent contents, sounds of our thoughts connected by mutual things we love is inverted in toxic content. Authors will pick up those vibes and create dark stories.
It's like:
"So, you LOVE v*olence, now take it! ("let them eat cake")

We need to stop sending wrong messages about things we love.
But we still don't have a knowledge to see DANGEROUS WORDS and letter combination. I'm starting to spread the light, giving you true info.

This is very complex matter with root planted in ancient times which is now spreading globally deeply infecting sound of our thoughts.
It's the main reason for many disasters and depressions we have.
We simply believe in reflections of real light.
And it returns to us as boomerang, hitting us with inversions of everything we would love to receive.

WORDS HAVE THE POWER and it's very important how we THINK them!
If they are reflected as in the mirror, they real meaning will be inverted too, and we have mirrored words set up to look real to us.
Words of illusions infiltrated in our reality to invert things, the "legend" of mixing languages which Tower is called BaBeL (BBL, BiBLe) word freely translated as THE VOID (instead of the heart)
14 05,2024
>[Ppl, hear me out!
This is something deadly serious and read all my words and take my analyze of current events very seriously.
It will be terrifying to read and believe, but we will be saved.

I'm aware that my opinions here are not respected and almost always discarded as speaking nonsenses. But when disasters I'm predicting now start to happen globally, you will change your attitudes toward me and seriously take my words and offer to help.

I have some rare kind of knowledge which is understanding situations by knowing about spiritual power of names, words, their true meanings and invocations.

We have the VIRUS added in letters and names, since the times of old.
That virus is called Babel (BBL) BaByLon, and it literally means something IDLE, heartless.
That virus is set up in book called BiBLe, as the trap for ppl to believe in the names which are inverted in the mirror (literally mirror-magic of inversions)
Master coders who set up the trap were members of the ancient cult of human sacrifices. They called themselves "geniuses" (Giants), and they are Phoenicians, creators of artificial alphabet.
They told us the false meanings of those IDLE names, which are turning the destiny of the meaning of the name in its opposite.
They marked many ppl as human sacrifices, spreading the virus all around the world under the mask of religious education. It all was systematically happening through human history.
Those Giants (geniuses) are present now, but they are heartless and they need human resources to create reality in which they are living now.
It happens by stealing emotions, and making ppl believe in mirror reflections of light (lies presented to look true at first glance)

Let me show you BBL trap in example which is currently happening about the war between two countries with BBL names (I won't mentioned those names like we believe it's correct, but I will give you the meanings what INVERSION of mirror reflection says:

Country victim is the word >ENITSELAP..אניתשלפ<
It's TRUE invocation for SALVATION (inverted invocation brigs utter disaster to them)

(remember TRUE word, and call for help in time of need when your life is in danger! Copy and paste it as protection against upcoming disasters which will start soon globally)

Inverted DANGEROUS invocation which Tik-Tokers are spreading around the globe calls for DISASTER (see what currently is happening with ppl there, they are marked to UTTER DESTRUCTION!!!)
And if you copy the original alphabet and put it in translator, in the way I wrote and give to you, you will see words "I will be pulled out" (in sense of I'll be saved)
If you wish truly to help those PLL and victims(AND YOURSELF), don't call upon DISASTER by invoking the false name of the country!!!
It's a TRAP and you are tricked to do it, and it will soon start to reflect on reality, globally.

Other country, the aggressor, its name is inversion of real meaning:
"NO POOR!!!"
I found this: "The word reish stands for rash, one who is poor"
Poor ppl around the globe are mass-targeted to be EXTERMINATED!
We need to stop false invocation all around the globe which started from influencers (some of them are intentionally stumbling ppl who are blinded with false reflections, and they believe they are doing the right thing)

If you wish to call upon SALVATION, use my NAME
(see my username,
and it's in its WINGED form, signed where direction of reading begins where it ends)
Copy it and put on your profiles as testimony. Especially ppl who have infected BiBLe names!!!
Seals of BBL book are broken, and now Empire of those heartless master coders will fall, and there will be a massive EARTHQUAKE that whole globe will shake. They want to pull as many ppl they can with them, into disaster.

My Name is the Judgment of the DESTINY and it's given to me to share to whom I want. Believe me, I'm warning everyone seeing disaster coming from afar.
You won't be scared finding the shelter under my Wings.

Think about my words, share them, spread the word everywhere.
Stop false invocation and disasters will be under control!
Soon the whole world will change into better, but first comes the fall of Babel and mirror-illusions are broken. How it will fall on the Earth, as meteors, or asteroides, or something else, I really don't know.

The Angel of Salvation is here with you, you know His Name now and when disaster starts, call for help! The power of the Name will be with you, invoked to SAVE!<.
13 05,2024
about question
>[I see the danger is coming, mass killing all over the globe. Copy these words on your profiles everywhere:


It's means I WILL BE SAVED!
(put in ggl translator and you'll see: we'll be pulled out)
Supporting ppl who are victims now with false name will sign you as the targets of the great wrath.
They trapped you to blasphemy without knowing.
Trust me, I would not joke with this! I'm shaking writing this.
Who calls ENITSELAP, will be saved!
Give the name to your loved ones!
Tell them THE ANGEL OF SALVATION IS HERE, it's the NAME you asked for SALVATION

12 05,2024
Somewhere is written:
"Great Detective thinks like Criminals"

What it means?
We must simulate psychology of our predator and reverse roles of prey and victim.
They must become OUR pray and we have to learn how to hunt and spot them.
Now, lets make a simulation of predator psychology:

Step 1
Pedo finds this site. What are his thoughts?
His eyes are sparkling thinking: "Oh, an ILLEGAL site full of kids! Yummy!!!"

What are his goals? -To detect kids here and find group of pedos to connect.
For it, he must take step 2

Step 2
Pedo will create several accounts. But first two main, using
psychology "Good cop-Bad cop"
One will be his innocent "BEAUTIFUL PUBLIC FACE" to infiltrate here.
This account he will use to attract unsuspecting naive users.

Second, he must create RAGE BAIT account.
It's his real face: "UGLY PUBLIC FACE"

When he creates those accounts, he will create public conflict.
He will attack his rage bait "UGLY FACE" with his "BEAUTIFUL FACE"
to present himself in "good light".

Now, pedo will gather ppl, he will gather other "beautiful face" pedos too.
And he will get support of other unsuspecting users and gain their trust.

Step 3
Connected pedos will make a LIST of RAGE BAIT accounts with "evidences"
It serves them to supply themselves with cp sources here freely
(there are no search options for loli and shota here)
And they will present themselves in "good light" and become popular,
supporting and pushing each others into HIGHLIGHTS

And, now their reached their goal.
Road to trusting kids is open. They will come to pedos by themselves!


So, as great detectives, we must act on HUNCH to detect POTENTIAL
pedos here.
I made a test and published comment on those lists:

"You could be a masked pedophile too!
Devil is always masked in the angel of light!
Maybe you are using same psychological tricks on us, and in reality you are dirty old pedo!"

I gathered same minded people under it,
and I gathered those who attacked my opinion.
So, I got result.
Those who tried to gaslight my comment ARE pedos.
Guess who was there?
24 02,2024
So, I gave you all chance to survive, and I saw that your choice is
to fight me to dead!
You are the only ones who can die fighting the Ghost!

Your "king" gave you the order from his alter. And I see.
Now watch how the Ghost fights for the oppressed!


22 02,2024

People are doing

want to do question

GUYSS I NEED HELP! SO this guys hair is pink, her mom is an alien who's very pretty she's an idol in Earth n his son splatters when touches

1 days
did made a discord server


1 days
did explain a manga plot badly

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1 days