In which, the two love interests are in a race to the bottom (pun intended) to see who’s the worst possible end game!!!

meepmoop created a topic of Who's Your Daddy?

I somehow made it through this to the side stories. Not my proudest read but whatever. Tell me why in the ever loving FUCK does the price want to get it on with aleksa in the side story KNOWING HES DRUGGED? The first time he didn’t know, still not alright because he thought he was super drunk but fine. Whatever. In the side story? Plainly knows that he is off his ass with a drug that makes him completely obedient and is still eating face ???? What the fuck???? I had to finally cut myself off at the carriage scene like genuine villain behavior

I’m always grateful for a translation, but the dudebro speak that starts in chapter 19 is just distasteful. I understand every now and again cracking a joke, or specific characters speaking in a specific dialect, but every character in every moment in time makes it borderline annoying— and I talk like that it sucks all the seriousness out of big moments too- like the holy maiden saying “I miss my crib” during a heartbreaking scene, or the confession (? I couldn’t tell because it was so hard to understand) feeling like they needed to chestbump afterwards.

meepmoop created a topic of Predator Marriage