meepmoop December 11, 2024 9:55 pm

Love this so much, the names are fucking weird, but it’s a legendary story I love I love I LOVE!

meepmoop December 5, 2024 12:25 am

Just give him CTE atp and give Dan a hot hunk that loves him

    LiterallyNoLife December 5, 2024 1:32 am

    Genuinely I have never wished more for there to be a second ML switch up. Hell, rub extra salt in Joo's wound and hook up with Jumin atp. Ugh.

    meepmoop December 5, 2024 2:05 pm
    Genuinely I have never wished more for there to be a second ML switch up. Hell, rub extra salt in Joo's wound and hook up with Jumin atp. Ugh. LiterallyNoLife

    Frrrrr bro

meepmoop December 1, 2024 9:33 pm

So sorry but I had to drop after chapter one how are yall managing to focus when all their lips look like that im sure it’s a good story but i cannot take it seriously

meepmoop October 10, 2024 1:47 pm


meepmoop September 22, 2024 2:02 am

Buncha virgins can’t tell rape from realistic sex yall be so fucking forreal

    ojousamaa September 22, 2024 2:05 am


    Kittykat September 22, 2024 2:46 am

    oh yeah okay this is not okay to say

    meepmoop September 22, 2024 3:17 am
    oh yeah okay this is not okay to say Kittykat

    I am SO sorry keep your eyes out for my YouTube apology video dropping within the next five minutes apologies to all those out there who have been drastically impacted and may have had their lives affected by my Mangago.Me comment on a BDSM fantasy smut comic

    Kittykat September 22, 2024 3:33 am
    I am SO sorry keep your eyes out for my YouTube apology video dropping within the next five minutes apologies to all those out there who have been drastically impacted and may have had their lives affected by ... meepmoop

    you need a therapist BAD. why are you being snarky for a person simply criticising you??? like YES virgins know what "no" and "stop" mean.

    meepmoop September 22, 2024 3:35 am
    you need a therapist BAD. why are you being snarky for a person simply criticising you??? like YES virgins know what "no" and "stop" mean. Kittykat

    snark is in my BLOOD and when yall take the bait it’s just too easy to reel in the line LMAO learn when to take a punch babes, not everything needs to be combat and not everything is that deep it doesn’t always require a thesis level of analytical thinking to enjoy a piece of fiction, nor to read someone mocking those that take it too seriously

    ojousamaa September 22, 2024 3:55 am

    Dude, justice is one thing but I agree with OP. Yall can’t differentiate between realistic sex and rape. If we want to uphold justice, BDSM is not the way to have sec. She literally force that horse dick into her. Virgin vs virgin sometimes not gonna end with 3second thrust and laying beside each other saying ‘wow thats the besg experience of me life’. Richard lack of foreplay is a thing but this is definitely not rape.

    You read BDSM and then call this rape. Smh

    gir September 22, 2024 3:56 am

    If you’re telling me that was realistic representation of sex… i don’t want to know how you’re first was like but mines was not like that at all

    ojousamaa September 22, 2024 4:07 am
    If you’re telling me that was realistic representation of sex… i don’t want to know how you’re first was like but mines was not like that at all gir

    I know but the argument is rape vs not. Im not saying that is how sex should be, but just an argument that its should not be considered rape. Tbh the genre itself is not normal.. so I dont think you should be applying normal here. Just my opinion tho but ofcourse I agree if the question is realistic vs not, i wouldnt be saying its 100% real since everyone have different experiences

    meepmoop September 22, 2024 5:14 am
    If you’re telling me that was realistic representation of sex… i don’t want to know how you’re first was like but mines was not like that at all gir

    Completely agree with Ojousamaa— no shit my first time wasn’t like this, unfortunately there’s a lack of princes in my area who are willing to put on a collar and crawl on all fours, so I just had to a settle for a lacrosse player. It’s genuinely concerning how you and others expect a manga to be a 1 to 1 portrayal of how you’ve experienced real human life (albeit possibly potentially sheltered real human life), and anything that is minutely, I don’t know, fictional or not exactly your cup of tea, you are morally obligated to throw a bitch fit about. Smoke a joint bro, chill out

    Kittykat September 23, 2024 1:13 am
    snark is in my BLOOD and when yall take the bait it’s just too easy to reel in the line LMAO learn when to take a punch babes, not everything needs to be combat and not everything is that deep it doesn’t ... meepmoop

    its really common sense, and it makes sense people were disturbed at a depiction of RAPE even if it wasnt real, and youre fucking mocking that!!!! wow what a sick and twisted person. this isnt realistic, people dont fucking lose control during sex.

    Kittykat September 23, 2024 1:15 am
    Dude, justice is one thing but I agree with OP. Yall can’t differentiate between realistic sex and rape. If we want to uphold justice, BDSM is not the way to have sec. She literally force that horse dick into... ojousamaa

    people like you give BDSM a HORRIBLE name. in ACTUAL BDSM there are always safewords and conversations about boundaries. there was no safe word, and he IGNORED how she revoked consent. therefore it is rape. being a virgin is NOT AN EXCUSE. i am SICK of having to explain that revoking consent and ignoring it is rape BY DEFINITION. did you not learn this in school???

    Kittykat September 23, 2024 1:16 am
    Completely agree with Ojousamaa— no shit my first time wasn’t like this, unfortunately there’s a lack of princes in my area who are willing to put on a collar and crawl on all fours, so I just had to a se... meepmoop

    losing control is NOT normal!!! if this happened to you irl, you are a victim. if you are screaming no and stop and they dont, that IS rape and they can go to prison. STOP NORMALIZING THIS.

    Kittykat September 23, 2024 1:18 am

    The fact you are trying to NORMALIZE a type of rape is frankly sicking. THIS IS NOT NORMAL BEHAVIOR. If someone is screaming no and stop and they dont, THAT IS LEGALLY RAPE. Its absolutely NOT okay to lose control, nor is it normal!!! typically in real life, men who do such are simply ignoring your revoking consent because they DONT WANT to stop.

    THIS comment is rape culture manifest. Delete this comment if you have any tact and dignity because youre frankly mocking a TON of rape survivors.

    meepmoop September 23, 2024 9:47 am
    The fact you are trying to NORMALIZE a type of rape is frankly sicking. THIS IS NOT NORMAL BEHAVIOR. If someone is screaming no and stop and they dont, THAT IS LEGALLY RAPE. Its absolutely NOT okay to lose cont... Kittykat

    LMAO you’re unhinged, genuinely sincerely and truly it is not that deep. It’s a comic bestie. Maybe it’s time for you to log out and go for a walk bwahahahah

meepmoop May 24, 2024 4:43 pm

Why’s this kinda based a critique of the weapons industry? Slay

meepmoop May 1, 2024 10:02 pm

I LOVED this story I think it’s so well written but the author got FLASHBACK CRAZY I wish it was like a stretch of a few chapters all together or like dispersed between the present day, I literally rolled my eyes when daon had a flashback as he was leaving soohyun to the conversation he LITERALLY JUST HAD WITH HIM why did that need to be a flashback like what it kind of convoluted the point and watered down the impact of modern day actions to keep us on our toes about what could have possibly happened in the past like oh!!! You want to know?? Wait 50 chapters for an iota of expose <333 other than that though really fucking good story, fuck jaemin eat shit and die bitch

    meepmoop May 1, 2024 10:05 pm

    Also I wish there was more into Daon’s writing, the first few chapters especially with sunghyeon loving it but hating Daon, made it seem like it was gonna be a much bigger part of the plot than it was and there was SO much potential for it

meepmoop February 27, 2024 10:59 am

this SUMMER?!?!? Say it ain’t so I guess I’ll just reread this again in a few months

meepmoop February 5, 2024 11:18 am

I love a good smut scene but it makes me sad when this kind of stuff happens where the story becomes more sex injected with plot then plot injected with sex. Like the past 3? 4? Chapters were just them fucking? It happens all the time in yaoi but still makes me sad to see, I feel like it takes away from the actual sex when it’s the only thing you see every chapter. Just like. Oh wow. They’re still going? Alright.

meepmoop January 23, 2024 9:15 pm

Oh— that’s not….

but fr, I thought we might have had a fighting chance w this one but actually I think the seme is just.. unreedemable. Like I literally can’t fathom how he could go from here to make for a sympathizable character?

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