i’m on chapter 76 but this mf taeui is dumb as fuck, oh yeah let me stay in the house of the brother of the crazy psycho that is looking for me. IS HE FR? is this a how dumb can i be challenge? am i being pranked

nope, because by associating with kyle it led to him being caught by enemies of kyle, so it would’ve been best to just keep going, since ilay actually had no idea where he was (he kept asking his brother to find him, but to no avail) him getting caught was all because he stayed at that house, he could’ve 100% avoided all that. could he have been caught if he didn’t go with kyle? ofc, but he got caught that quick bcus he stayed with kyle
is TJ gonna be endgame? someone lmk bcus i came into this shit blind i hate love triangles with a passion ALSO TEAM JOE HERE LIKE DUH