It was good. Prince and priest suck. Love the knight.
Just some questions:
-What was the thing the witch said MC gave/did? The one where the other witches thanked her for too
-What made the little girl (ML's sister) special? Or was she just chosen? What does it mean that she's going to be god?
-Why did Helena want more power? And am i right in understanding that she didn't love the prince (who would honestly) and married because of power?

1. I think what "Eris" gave was another way, possibility, path whatever you may call it for the world to exist even after the story has ended.
2. I guess it's because Kantia always showed this great potential to be a witch or if not a witch maybe it's her ability to choose her own path, the vague clue was mentioned in the name blabla moment.
3. Yes, Helena was enlightened, awakened or had a realization with the help of Eris, and she never really loved the prince.
I understand overthinking and being anxious, that’s part of something you need to work on. But this story would have been so much better if that uke actually grows from that.
Gosh. So much potential, so disappointing.