A story of murder and violence, "Unhinged" follows Erika as she walks a path of veng...
- Author: KIM Biva
- Genres: Drama / Mature / Mystery / Psychological / Seinen
eon-woo had a twin brother who disappeared five years ago. One day, a pocket watch left by his broth...
- Author: Nong nong,Sa doyeon
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Fantasy
A girl found out she has the power to curse anyone around her....
- Author: Châu Chặt Chém
- Genres: Comedy / School Life / Shoujo Ai / Shounen Ai
They are handsome guys who are cool but a little hard to approach. However, they...are all clumsy!!!...
- Author: Nata kokone
- Genres: Comedy / Slice of life