son of thors's feed

son of thors asked a question

The mc is a girl who you can tell is going through shit. she had black straight long hair

In the scene she was in this bathroom and I think she was wearing underwear (i'm not sure about this part tho, maybe it wasn't) and a t shirt. She was standing Infront of the bathroom mirror contemplating life or smt. (Maybe something bad happened right before that because I remember her maybe being a little dirty or bruised? Not sure).

I guess the landlord (an older man) knocked on the bathroom door and was telling her rent is due or smt and while she was walking out she could feel him staring at her ass and she felt even more felt mentally drained

Idr if this is the same manga but I think she had a friend or probably a lover (in the past?) but they were no longer close. Idr why but it probably had a rough end. The flashback I think was both of them sitting on a rooftop next to each other with their knees hugging their chest

That last part might be a different manga but I'm not sure, I don't think so at least