SPOILER I SAID IF YOU HAVEN'T READ. I feel conflicted. There was this seemingly psycho stalker abusive ex turned rapist, Lotta drama, sad backstories, dramatic break up, then escalated sadness turned into self harm, sudden mellowing of said abusive psycho stalker rapist attached with sudden realization partially due to a phone call (thanks red head), theeeen boom main boy be chilling at that romantic scenery. KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE! What the heck just happeneddd. That.. I mean yay for love but.. wut
SPOILER I SAID IF YOU HAVEN'T READ. I feel conflicted. There was this seemingly psycho stalker abusive ex turned rapist, Lotta drama, sad backstories, dramatic break up, then escalated sadness turned into self harm, sudden mellowing of said abusive psycho stalker rapist attached with sudden realization partially due to a phone call (thanks red head), theeeen boom main boy be chilling at that romantic scenery. KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE! What the heck just happeneddd. That.. I mean yay for love but.. wut
Basically, it's yaoi.
That makes more sense