"Ouuhhh im sorryy i cant control myself" fuck off with that bullshit omg im sorry but the more i see that trope the more i hate it. seen too much "stop! dtop! nooo too fast! wait! no!" from the uke, and too much "ive been holding back and i cant anymore" from the seme. its so much hotter when the uke actually likes it and expresses it
TLDR:consent is hot and cool and both MLs suck

man this is tagged wrong on this fuckass website cuz it isnt even yaoi, but the way some of u guys talk about this story makes it seem like you think that queerness cant be incorporated into genres that arent romance,.. calling it **queerbait** is shallow as Fuck cuz this story isnt even subtle with the gay aspect of it like omg sorry theyre not grinding coochies within the first chapter
Ugly purple man die !!!