Halfasleep created a topic of Profundis

in giving me a fckin headache. Please let season 3 be the end I beg thee

Bb girl (OG Karen), the world is unfair, ofcourse some people are more liked than others but because everyone's different, you have different strengths. Not gonna lie, its tough not getting the love that you crave, but blaming someone one sidedly aint it girl. Ichika doesnt even know how you have been feeling or thinking all this time so who're you to blame her for everything if you said nothing and confront no one? bb girl, I hope you'll get a healing arc and reconcile with Ichika :') fictional or not I hope its a happy ending, reality sucks after all

Halfasleep created a topic of Unscented Trajectory

Istg this whole story wouldnt have existed if the dads didnt separate them tbh. If only joohyuk's dad didnt leave soohyun behind in the forest and if only soohyun's dad didnt tell him to pretend soohyun died

whoever hurts my babies- I will find you, even if you're fictional

Someone please spoil me the ending Im so fuckin tired

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Halfasleep created a topic of Gokutora no Honey Bunny

dont hate him too much :') pretty sure its hard on him. he's the one who went through shit and trauma. tbh its a natural response when you think about it from his perspective. he knows the seme wont hurt him but the leopards? 100% will hurt him and his fam and some more. so ofcourse its easier to blame the seme than to blame the leopards and he knows this. pretty sure he'll feel guilty, seme helps him, leopards will lose and the two will get together and they live happily ever after. us onlookers can only wait for progress and enjoy

a real idiot- already went through this shit once and you still let her manipulate you. May author-nim give u better brains (yes plural cuz apparently 1 aint enough for you!!) and clearer mind and eyes

Is the author okay? its not even an announcement of the end of a season but the manhwa itself?? ㅠㅠ

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He finally knows :') Why do I keep hurting myself reading this when I know how it all ends