The writing was bad, so to say. The conflict wasn't even a conflict, they just refused to communicate properly. The relationship between the bf and Iksoo was shallow, Iksoo wasn't doing anything for the relationship, which just makes me feel bad for the bf.
Like just a few chapters after Dohun has the wet dream, so does Iksoo?? Like huh? Both already have feelings for each other but Iksoo stays with his bf until like the end before the bf ends it because he had enough. The guy is basically mentally and emotionally cheating already. The bf was just getting dragged along, he didn't even do anything wrong but we are still supposed to root for Iksoo? As if.
And they don't even talk it out after the "conflict" is gone, not even a proper confession scene and then it immediately cuts to the ending sex scene.
The author took a great concept and butchered it