Richard, the ambitious third son of the House of York, believes he is cursed, damned from birth to e...
This IS GOOD!!! This is the kind of story that keeps my blood running. Dark! Gore! Messed up! Intriguing plot! Unpredictable! Realistic characterization! PAIN!! I love IT! The art is so PRETTY AND HOT. I mean look at RICHARD! He's HOT, CUTE, VERY SEDUCTIVE, BEAUTIFUL and CAPTIVATING! Shout out to CATESBY, BEST BOY OF THE CENTURY. But Buckingham tho didn't see that coming, but for accepting and loving Richard wholehertedly, he has a piece of my heart. The witches (in form of queens) are also PRETTY AF. EVERYONE'S GOT BEAUTIFUL and so is their HEAD MESSED UP! To me, it's quite hilarious how Richard is forced to become a victim, hero and a villian just because he's A DEMON. Whereas the real demons are HIS FATHER'S SPIRIT and HIS HATEFUL MOTHER.
This manga requires you to throw away your common sense ( which I have) and accept all the complications and situations that come. THERE IS NO PEACE. LOVE CANNOT BE BALANCED WITH POLITICS, but I really wish for a HAPPY ENDING. I'll be waiting for more chapters. I hope it gets updated soon!