Thaddeus is such a cutie patootie especially when he eats the tanghulu, I kinda see what kind of blackmail that Raphael is using on him now also the comments is making me
I'm glad they tried for another one and Taeju is such a good husband and father. Making sure that both his wife and baby has a good night's sleep even if it means that he would sacrifice his own sleep
As long as Thaddeus is alive and (hoping, he switches side but I think that's highly unlikely) well, the Thaddeus x Peter fanartists are eating good these current chapters lmao
I can't believe I'm stressed about a crazy person wanting to fight an old version of Ume another crazy person who's clearly a fruit loop, and Ume knocked out cold Sakura, do something please like talk about anything dear god
Thaddeus is such a cutie patootie especially when he eats the tanghulu, I kinda see what kind of blackmail that Raphael is using on him now also the comments is making me