I kinda like it, but at the same time I don't. I love that there was a growth in the main protagonist's mentality, but i hate that she is so easily swayed by even the slightest "hope"hinted to her by the guy. Idk, maybe it's because she kina reminds mo of myself. Oh well. And the dude!!! Such a tsun. I don't know if i like it or not. Nevertheless, the manga is cute and if you like that kind of manga, you're gonna enjoy this. (▰˘◡˘▰)
I actually hate plots like this where a girl forces her feelings on a guy protagonist and latches onto them until they are practically forced to like them. What happened to mutually feelings shoujos? Why is it that most of these shoujo mangas ever depict a more realistic manga about young love. The guy in this manga has nothing else going for him other than he was handsome and made the dolls, but yet she fell in love in about 2 days of meeting him.
I don't get the story. Sorry, but please help me.