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avid manga reader March 30, 2024 4:19 am

all of you acting like gongju is any better than seoha is so hypocritical.. he also raped him the entire time when he first moved in, dude obviously didn’t want to, and said stop multiple times. he preyed on somebody obviously weak and sexually assaulted and then used that to use him as a sex doll for housing, and then lead him on and broke his heart and then he has the gull to get pissed his toy got taken away.. and he’s low-key verbally abusive. and he also fucked him in his sleep WITH seoha the second time they all had a threesome together. at the end the dude passed out, and it ended with both of them saying “should we do it one more time?” ominously staring at his passed out body. all of you are so stupid thinking he’s any better when he’s proven he did the exact same thing as seoha. like don’t read it if you don’t want to but atleast admit they’re the exact same. like seoha isn’t any better but atleast he admits he fucked up like both of them are trash and you are all delusional. nobody is reading this because it’s healthy so stop whining that gongju is so much better and is going to ride in on his white knight to save him when really he just doesn’t want his personal sex doll taken away.. i actually don’t hate gongju, but you are all so shit at making fanon characters in your head i had to set things straight even though i think gongju is the better one out of the two male leads. okay that’s it your free to love gongju but atleast admit to yourself he’s a piece of shit and stop ignoring his character flaws. he’s a better piece of shit than seoha but still a piece of shit. i’d say they all deserve each other. they are all pieces of shit but i love them lmfao

    elfiemouse March 31, 2024 7:48 pm

    You’re 100% right. I love Gongju but people on this website always pretend certain characters are more virtuous than they truly are so they can justify liking them.

    avid manga reader April 1, 2024 3:41 am
    You’re 100% right. I love Gongju but people on this website always pretend certain characters are more virtuous than they truly are so they can justify liking them. elfiemouse

    avid manga reader April 1, 2024 3:43 am

    he’s so sassy it’s lovable!!

    BeeHive April 4, 2024 12:00 pm

    That is so true sometimes people really erase memories of the canon change and replacs it with their fanon

    VISAGE April 4, 2024 7:05 pm

    THIS!!! I literally wanted to say this, even though I'm gonju fan

    avid manga reader April 5, 2024 1:07 am
    THIS!!! I literally wanted to say this, even though I'm gonju fan VISAGE

    i’m a gongju fan too

    pennyinheaven April 5, 2024 5:54 am

    More like he explored what Unyul has been hiding. He unleashed the true Unyul. He was conditioned or anything, this is all him.

    avid manga reader April 6, 2024 2:18 am
    More like he explored what Unyul has been hiding. He unleashed the true Unyul. He was conditioned or anything, this is all him. pennyinheaven

    but you have to agree unyul repeatedly says no, and that gongju has no idea nor does he care what unyul has been hiding, he just finds him hot and sees him being sexually assaulted outside, brings him home and then says for a place to stay he has to have sex with him, and then doesn’t take no for an answer. like, i like gongju and am glad it worked out for the best but you can’t think he had unyuls best intentions in mind in that situation

    avid manga reader April 6, 2024 2:20 am
    THIS!!! I literally wanted to say this, even though I'm gonju fan VISAGE

    (=• w •=)

    avid manga reader April 6, 2024 2:22 am
    That is so true sometimes people really erase memories of the canon change and replacs it with their fanon BeeHive

    i know it’s so normalized! like your not a bad person for still liking the character even though he’s not the best person!! but the solution to that isn’t just erasing the cannon

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