Mincheol missing Hae soo and wanting her to want him back I'd proof that your ex always knows when you're starting to get over them
I fully expect our boyfriend to crash out in the next chapter.
I was so happy until the end. That bum is going to try spin the block and I hope our man is there showering our girl in love and attention. She must be glowing, smiling from ear to ear looking renewed and refreshed. The glow up must be undeniable
I'm not crying, you're crying *I say while covered in tears and snot*
She's just too cute I feel like our baby will somehow be involved with the resurrection of the water family.
Omg so he's basically 5 years old but in a grown up body
Seraphina is better than me as soon as I realized Tunia set me up I'd burn down the whole temple with all the followers and myself inside.
She was probably dry as hell when he shoved that weapon into her. Her poor kitty must have been in fire
My heart is so broken for Isabella, how could Aiden say there's nothing between them she's been mourning and missing him for two years and he's just moving on to murder new people
Get that abuser away from our sweet potatoes Suo and his mama
Mop head is still my favorite but pink hair might be growing on me just a teeny bit
Forgive me Father for I have sinned, I have unashamedly listed over the High Priest.
We are all living for the joy and eternal happiness of Mori. There is no greater reason for living than Mori
I did not wait this long for a censored chapter I want to see it all
I didn't expect to cry for 28 chapters straight. I want to scoop all the children up and love on them like a good mama
Belle better not fall for Ted's tricks again. He's just like all the other men who just want her for her money.
Him needing to pull back a little to calm down is so real