dropped its alr but world building and the purpose of setting is not cho beri gud got bored no clear goal to look forward 2
listdropped it after ch 75 the women in this manhwa are trash ig but not story hindering so ok, didnt exactly get hooked but i probably wouldnt read pass 40 if i wasnt bored the whole thing is out of touch which isnt exactly a problem, liked the mc at first he was a virgin unlikeable chad with room for decent character but now hes still mentally a virgin but also boring and taking too long for anything kinda got bored of it. and also the npc romance thing was so weird lmfao what, not rly something i can read just for fun
3CM Hunter
bland but decently mediocre ig
The Descent of the Demonic Master
used to be cool but eh its boring now cant rly find a rson to read up to dis point so i wont
Jungle Juice