I had my first sex dream last night and it was awesome. I was a rent boy in a hotel or building and the room had alot of sex furniture and toys. This dream was going all night. I have had pieces of sexy dreams like a hot kiss but never a full on f**k. Sorry if im being wierd just wanted to know if i was alone.

My first sexual dream was in 5th grade. It was me naked with a guy I liked but we didn’t have sex, skip forward to now I never had a full on sex dream either. It’s usally me naked with someone else and nothing actually happens. 99% of the time I don’t feel sexual pleasure either. You’re so lucky! Haha

I read a manga a long time ago. I think it was a doujinshi. Two boys were watching hentai together and the women was getting raped the uke freaked out and started crying at the sight. Next moment they were having sex with fluffy handcuffs. One point the seme put mayo on some celery and the uke was disgusted by it. I thought it was funny. Does anyone know where this came from i might have read it on youtube.

So i finally decided to buy the rest of the episodes for hyperventalation from https://laftel.net/g/37902 but it wouldnt let me. Is it just the website or is it my computer? If someone could check this out for me that would be awesome.

So i have a class with my friend and her boyfriend. While i am talking to her he likes to feel her up. Like putting his hand in her pants and rubbing her boobs under her shirt. This really pisses me off! What do you think? Would you be irritated with this also? I know i shouldn't be because they are expressing there love but have a little respect right. I cant say anything ever cause they dont care and she is my friend. What should i do?

Roast her.
"Sorry to interrupt you guys since you're clearly busy having sex in the middle of a classroom but we kind of need to finish this-"
That's what I would do. And hell yea it's irritating! Nobody wants to see that shit lmao put it on pornhub. Have some class (no pun intended). Don't be doing stuff in a classroom that you wouldn't want your daddy or your teachers to see.
Also no they are not "expressing their love", they are expressing how goddamn horny they are and how little respect they have for the people around them. If I acted that way in public my mom would knock tf outta me and I wouldn't blame her??

Something similar happened to me and it made me feel uncomfortable. Talk to your friend about it and make it clear that you don't want to hang out with her when her boyfriend is gonna be there to feel her and stuff.
If you don't have the courage to tell her, well, endure it for about 18months and it should stop by itself. (18 months because it's usually the time where the couple will calm down and stop being excessively loveydovey in public)

I think if it was me I'd take the friend aside and talk to her privately at some point. You know, just say how you feel. Because ultimately it's impacting your relationship.
'I'm really sorry, but do you mind... it just makes me feel a bit uncomfortable. I understand.. I feel like.. I really value you as a friend... etc'
You know, make your point but try not to sound like you're complaining about her relationship.
And if she hears you out and decides to continue, that's her decision, and I guess you'll have to ignore it the best you can. But I find it's always better to talk things out in a reasonable way. Because then at least she's aware of it and it's not just slowly pissing you off more and more.
I hope this helps c:

the girl should've stopped him long ago. their relationship is their private business, why make out in public? the two deserve each other, but it has got nothing to do with you. can you stop communication? I don't think this female will last as a friend of yours much longer - you've got different social behavioural habits

Just tell them that it's distracting and not to do it while talking to you, and that you feel disrespected when that happens.
It's not expressing their love, it's expressing their (maybe just his) lust.
Ask them how they would feel if you started having sex in front of them
They'll either say they'd feel uncomfortable, or invite you over for a threesome, who knows
But being serious: just tell your friend that you feel uncomfortable and disrepsected

if it were me.. I'll play psychological tricks to them.. whenever they make up I'll look at them intensely... if they you.. just say.. please continue i just want to see..
if it won't work.. then hold your phone and act like you're trying to record they live session... make them feel uncomfortable af to do that in front of you
jeez is it normal to do that in your country? I'm asian and thats like a no no here.. even boyfriend won't want to play with girlfriend boobs in case there will be another man watching..
people like this have no shame seriously

Guy listen, you have every right to be pissed .The BF is
waayyy out line and your friend shouldn't be letting him do that to her in public. Public display of affection already makes people uncomfortable, however that's accepted as OK but displays of your sex life is taking it too far. Tell them or just her that it makes uncomfortable and it needs to stop.
┗( T﹏T )┛
What’s the name? It takes place in western times. The uke is a fancy prostitute that works for this place that politicians go to and rich people. He has been there since childhood. He was an orphan. He meet the seme and he really cares for the uke. Turns out the seme father is the uke client and they fight over him.
Rent boy?
Yep thanks