I have a question. Right now I am looking for a story I did read. The story starts off with, A Young girl (FL) and her mother running through the forest to get away from the men that is chasing them. I think the mother end up dying, The Female Lead end going to her mother's future where she isn't awaken yet. She becomes a mage and learn under the High Tower Master. She has blonde hair and i think green eyes?? i think they are litle mixed her eyes. and a dragon comes around and says "You're not suppose to be in this future, and your messing up the timeline." the dragon wants to kill her but the female lead begs her to wait until she fixed her mother's future. also the mother is a elf
I deleted my last post. Only two people understood the post I did.
Female lead acting more like a male lead is because she doesn't mind killing.
And the male lead acting more like a female lead because he don't enjoy killing, despite being a duke.
So more or like the female lead wears the pants in the relationship (soon) its nothing about the way she dresses, its the way she acts.
I don't wanna argue just wanna stating how I seen it.