I watched the anime completely and well i gotta say the manga is way more catching, and i don't want to belittle the anime cause although being cg animated it was enjoyable and the fight scenes increible but idk the manga is more capturing for me, well haha i just want to know if i'm not the only one

definitely agree, manga has a beautiful kind of serenity to it which really hits home when you get to the character parts- even the comedic moments land better visually than having to act it out in cgi. Even so, the anime is a great accomplishment and I love the sound effects they put in with the characters bc I forget that they're.. yknow, rocks.

I also agree. The high-contrasted black and white art style gives off a melancholic and lonely feeling, which I think fits well with the story. There's a lot of black emptiness in some frames. Anime is more sparkly and colorful, in a way it's nice too but I really prefer the mood we have in the manga.
(i like this manga so much)