Can someone recommend me like a gut wrenching sad story
Like it can have a happy ending?
(No deaths)
Like it could simply be about unrequited love and stuff
Just something to cry my heart out on

Ways of parting (I have never cried so much so consistently)
Touch Within the Abyss
The Vessel of a Transparent Love
Hitori To Hitori No 3650nichi
Happy cry
Don't Call Me Daddy
If you decide you can deal with death
Nee Nee, Nene-san
Halloween Is Nothing Special
Spring Snow (Odongtong)
A Home Far Away
My Childhood Friend was a God
If you can't find them let me know, I have saved lists on my phone so some titles might not be the ones used on here.


And here I am again to ask yall if u have r3ad this manwha
It's straight.
The art style was a little like solo leveling but not like that good
Okay and uh it starts with the mc(a guy) who has his sister(?) Commit suicide cuz she was pregnant with an asshole's child, that dude left her and she killed herself. So mc ,is a mafia guy(?), Is set out to find the asshol3 who was the reason his sis committed suicide.
He then investigates and finds out it will be hard to find the man so he targets someon3 3lse
He then targets the villain dude's sister and plans to take revenge.(?) He then acts like he is poor and moves in the place where the sister lives, and guess what?
The girl is his old classmate who was loved by all, always struggling though. So he feels bad but his sister killed herself so he is like he needs to do this. He makes her fall in love with him (falls for her too in the process???) And then finds her brother. The girl is heart broken. Also a plus point is she hates her brother because he is a creep, they aren't blood related so the brother is after the FL. FL later works at a store where a guy likes her and the MC I think got possessive of that and made him lose her job or was it her brother I don't remember.
I didn't read the last 2 chapters and they were the ones where we finally saw the ending, I woke up today and thought thay I really wanted to know the ending after all.
It was clitche and mafia type of ykyk possessive mc and shit.
I really wanna read it!!!!!!
Help if anyone knows!!!

just wondering but why is there no gay action manga without yaoi like an actual good story with a good plot like make it isekai like the action manwhas leveling up ones going around or revenge ones but with a sprinkle of BL im just bored AND SAD SO IM JUST SAYING OKAY- IF U GET WHAT I MEAN

Man can anyone find me this bl manga
It was like the small one 5 chapters I guess
And it had a wolf seme
The uke was human
The wolf dude hits on a bunny
But the rabbit guy doesn't like it do the human friend of his helps him by shooing away the wolf dude
The wolf dude accidently scratches the human guy's face
He regrets and apologizes and asks him to punch him for a pay back
The human dude is super nice so he is like fine just let me touch your ears and then they fall in love (?) Lmaooooo yeah this one
Please I wanna read ittt

I’m pretty sure

I wanna find this uh manwha
It was related to the villainess trope
I don't remember how the FL looked like
I think it was isekai
And it was super funny like literally cracked but if u notice what was actually happened it was pretty dark
The ml had I think grayish hair and I think he had soemtjing up with his leg
Lmao I can't
Also she kinda threatened non threatened the ml who was a duke(?) To marry him(?) And he did her paper work oh right i remember then he fell for her but she treated him like shit so he ran away to his fam home
And something something
Also she also goes to into some other kingdom or sowmthing and meets the 2nd ml there(?)
I have read like ten thousands of this trope
And it has been a year since I read this
I just remember the ml and I was thinking what manwha was this
Anyone got any idea
Aha right she was protecting her brother??? I think???

Yeah don't my Heart literally ached for Glen I would have read but the fl being toxic wasn't actually addressed in the story and Glen was just like oh yeah I'm used to it and blah blah and yeah so I would have read if it was supposed to be a part of the story but it's more like not really flashed upon and IT SUCKS I ACTUALLY FELT SADDDDD :( for him HE IS TREATED LIK TRASH

I was answering one of the comments and I remembered how much the supposed uke's get away with stuff IN YAOI like fr lmao
they be the trashiest meanest rudest people in the story and then they bottom for once and suddenly everyone is like yeah they aren't that bad just misunderstood like where did that even come from??? Wth lol
The main character has a neighbour next doors who is pretty he is cold to him at first but then he realizes that the neighbour is a main character of a bl world
he also has this best friend who is the seme
the main character accidently befriends them and thinks of them as his fav characters
he likes the og uke very much and they bond over time as neighbours
but then for some reason the og uke is interested in him and they go on a date
they buy this bracelet of sorts
also the mc gets threatened by the og seme
im sorry i ik the plot seems to be all over the place since i have read this a long time back and cant seem to remember much
pls tell if you knowwww
it was unique because it seemed well written
the og seme had black hair and was all buff and tall
the og uke had blonde but he does not look uke like
and then the mc also had black hair and the same height as the og uke